1. Family & Home

Your Home Heating System – Signs That It Needs to be Repaired

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You may rely on the house heater to keep your house comfortable and cozy during our occasional winter chill. However, heating systems do not last forever just like any complex machine. When you know the signs that yours may need repairs to prevent surprise breakdowns and even keep you from being left in the cold.

Allow us to guide you through some of the red flags to watch out for from your local HVAC contractor Poinciana.

1. Rising Energy Bills

Your monthly energy expenses may have increased without apparent cause. This may indicate that your heating system has to work harder than it did before to provide the same amount of warmth. Poor efficiency raises utility costs, as you are already aware. But it can be fixed easily enough to function properly once more.

2. Uneven Heating

Your heating system's ability to circulate heated air evenly may be compromised if certain rooms in your home are too hot or chilly. You will need to call in a professional for help. Because there are several contributing factors that need to be addressed, including mechanical problems, ductwork leaks, and blocked vents.

3. Strange Noises

Heating systems can produce noise as they work. However, it should be a matter of concern if your heating system is making loud sounds, such as grinding, slamming, and shrieking. Such excessive noises are the result of issues like slipping belts, motor bearing corrosion, or moving parts that need to be lubricated. It would be wise to get it checked out and repaired by HVAC contractor Poinciana sooner.

Winding Up

Do not let a minor heating system problem become a major headache and expense. If you notice any of the signs from the points listed above, it would be wise to call us at Charles M. Watts Air Conditioning. Inc. and schedule a service visit today.


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