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Here, and I just want to share with you about my vision board hi so now I have cut out the images from my vision board from the word documents as you can see here and I've now put it onto some red paper paper for example or red printing paper just to give it some color just so that I can feel vibrant for 2022 and I want you to come round this side so that you can see what it is that I've done because I think it's really good for you to have a look here and as you can see here I've got my role model of who I want to be like which is Lisa Nichols for 2022 and you can see here I've got my vision board 2022 here uh the office me speaking with Lisa Nichols for example and the Villa Retreats here in uh Cyprus for women that are in business and leadership as well me with my family in the Maldives where we're renting a villa so that we've all got access we're all close to one another with our own private pool because there's a lovely slide down there I can't wait to be there I really can't wait then there's my car here to drive to the office as well and I've got my two role models that I'm working that I want to work with I'm working with one already so you know I'm almost there and um so it's Lisa Nichols and Jared Robbins they're
my mentors for 2022 family time like I said important for me to have family time eating together with family and friends that's important to me and this is my mansion that I want to achieve for 2022 and this is in Cyprus it will have a Jacuzzi sauna all of those things that I choose to have and the glass windows and it's right by the Sea right by the beach this this is me working towards my fitness goal my my fitness body for 2022 and I'd love for my son Spencer to go to Cambridge University in 2024 but I'm gonna keep that every single year till we get to 2024 because he needs to start working towards that now I've spoken with him and he's happy to be working towards that goal and uh social time with friends and also with
my my husband spending time with him as well having a wonderful year 2022. so that's the vision board here as you can see is the cork board so the
cork board I'm going to put the images now onto this and I'm going to use a pin as well so if you just want to you can use um blue tack or glue and you can stick it on the back and then you could just stick this board up wherever you want to but I'm going to put this on a board and then I've got my pins here which I'm going to use as well so I've just put my thickness on
I've got my property there and I'm just placing it on the cork board for you to see because you want to make sure it all fits on so I've got my thumb there going to Cambridge University got my car my two cars that I want to achieve this year and then there's me socializing with friends I got my mentors here and they'll be working with me as a meta life coach and I've got a family time here a new place and however you want to have them placed it's entirely up to you foreign things because they may not all fit as you want them to so I'm just going to move this around slightly so just fitting them there I couldn't cut that a bit more and that's fine in
any way I've got leaves the nipples there waiting for me and then my office so I'm just putting this all together because this is how you create your vision this is how you will create the goals that you want to achieve for 2022 and I've got one at the office and I've also got one at home as well and so you just place it wherever you want to place them and then I've got the pins here which I'm going to play as well I'll just move my board over a bit more see and then I'll just push them in with the PIN and this I will hang up like how you saw in my previous video I put one in the kitchen in the dining room but I'm also putting one here in the office as well for me to look at every single day and this is what I'll be working towards for 2022 and you know what it's fun doing it your family get to know what your goals are as well that you can talk with family members to see what um what their vision is for 2022 and and the whole family can create one and then the whole family can create one and then you can create a big vision board for the whole family foreign popular demand I've created this video so that you can see how I created my vision board it's so rewarding to do this because you are then creating the lifestyle you're designing the lifestyle that you want to create for you and your loved ones foreign there you have it my vision board just put one more pin there it's enjoyable but at the same time instead of we do this right now resolution resolutions you know for the
new year make a start now do it now then that way you're working towards a really good positive goal right so just continuing on from the vision board one important key aspect of this is because I'm going to have I want to add this if I don't have a team and it's important to have your staff members on your side to be able to create this dream that you want to develop for the company for the goal and for your personal life as well so I've added on here my team members because I need this to be able to create the the dream and the vision that I have so you can add whatever you want for yours.


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Email: info@christineblackledge.com
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