There are drug rehab programs which are faith orientated in an open way, such UltraManifestation Review as dedicated Christian support groups and actual drug rehab clinics which will discuss the bible, Jesus and have prayer meetings. If you are of faith, particularly of devout faith then you may wish to check the internet on a popular search engine and browse the many drug rehab programs available to you.I find myself continuing to be drawn back into thoughts about the meaning of life.Now this is not an article trying to presuppose the meaning of existence of humanity.
Rather this is an article about one man trying to sort out the thoughts that are recently running through his brain regarding what one's purpose here on Earth is. That is, while we are given our own allotment of time on this physical plane.Perhaps it's my own version of a mid-life crisis where my mind is perhaps maturing enough to be able to actually ask these types of questions without spontaneously imploding on itself in an extended bout of black depression.
Nevertheless, I'm still stuck when it comes to even trying to answer a question, or conundrum, like this.Basically, I think it will all boil down to that I don't know the answer to this question because the part of me that is asking the question is also the part of me that is trying to answer it. And if I knew the answer then I wouldn't be asking the question right now. I hope that makes sense.