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Zero Fee Processing – The Future Of Credit Card Processing

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Zero Fee Processing, The Future of Credit Card Processing

Zero Fee Processing has proven to be the best processing platform for business owners and has been a crucial necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Small businesses who implement Zero Fee Processing save the cost that traditional processing would normally be charging them by eliminating their credit card and debit card processing fees. Swipe4Free is seeing many merchants asking to have their accounts switched from traditional processing to Zero Fee Processing also known as Cash Discounting. By making this change the business owner will eliminate their credit and debit card processing fees by passing them onto the customer.

This fee is known as a Non-Cash Charge and is typically set at a 4% fee per each transaction. Some businesses are exclusively only accepting credit and debit cards, as opposed to cash, in order to help keep employees and customers safe from the spread of germs and the COVID-19 virus. Credit card sales has increased as a result of this safety measure. Zero Fee Processing is the best way to keep your business profitable during this uncertain time.

Keeping your business open

Zero Fee Credit Card Processing through Swipe4Free allows you as a merchant to keep your businesses functioning and profitable by removing your credit and debit card expenses. Over the years there has been a lot of speculation on whether Zero Free Processing was a good fit for businesses, but merchants from all over the Nation are now saving thousands of dollars every month with Swipe4Free. Swipe4Free is the perfect fit for any merchant or business owner that wants to eliminate their processing fees. Implementing Swipe4Free’s Zero Fee Credit Card Processing platform helps offset the costs of running a business allowing your income to be distrusted to payroll, inventory, rent and the other miscellaneous costs of running a business.

Stay profitable

Credit and debit card companies have been charging business owners up to 4% in fees on all transactions made by customers and with no regulation of interchange costs, the fees can increase even higher. Running a business has become increasingly difficult over the years, with constant increases to overhead due to minimum wage increases and increases in the costs of goods and services. Zero Fee Processing for Small Businesses save the merchant anywhere from $300 to $3,000 monthly, with an annual savings of $3,600 to $36,000 based on their monthly processing volume. Swipe4Free allows your business to have the best prices in town while also keeping your business profitable.

Offer more to your customers

If you still have your doubts as a merchant to implement the Zero Fee Processing platform, we offer terminals that can include more than one MID / Processing Account allowing you to offer both “Zero Fee Processing” and traditional processing. This helps remove the worry of losing customers due to passing the fee onto them. So, if you ever have a customer that is completely against paying the 4% Non-Cash Charge, you can make their day and keep a good customer by switching the terminal to traditional processing where they wouldn’t pay the 4% fee on the transaction as they normally would. You can contact Swipe4Free today and find out which terminals you should be using for your business.

Stay up during the decline

Nationwide across the US, business owners have had a very large decline in sales and customer patronage due to COVID-19. Some businesses are back up and running on a very small scale and have had to implement social distancing practices, resulting in added on fees due to having to purchase PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) such as masks, sanitizer, and gloves for all employees. Most merchants that are now open for business are taking advantage of the Zero Fee Merchant Processing provided by Swipe4Free to help defray the cost of these new expenses. Contact Swipe4Free today to save tomorrow.