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Valak Is Coming Again! The Nun 2 is No Less Thrilling!

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Warner Bros. has released the first trailer for The Nun 2 on (6/7/2023).

The sequel to the phenomenal horror film The Nun will again terrorize us with the appearance of a demon named Valak.

The supernatural horror film The Nun 2 is directed by Michael Chaves and written by Ian Goldberg, Richard Naing, and Akela Cooper.

The Nun 2 tells a story set in the time after Sister Irene (Taissa Farmiga) experienced terrible terror as in the first sequel in The Nun (2018).

Sister Irene's life suddenly changes as Valak (Bonnie Aarons) returns to terrorize her in 1956 in France.

After a long search for all the answers, it turns out that Valak has been hiding in the body of Sister Irene's friend Maurice, as was briefly described at the end of the first film The Nun (2018).

However, Sister Irene can't help but face the terror of Valak for the sake of her life and the people around her.

The Nun 2 is scheduled to hit theaters worldwide on (8/9/2023).

In the first trailer for The Nun 2, you can see footage of the movie scene that is no less thrilling.

The corners of the gloomy room and the tense atmosphere are seen decorating the trailer. Not only that, the appearance of the demon Valak, which is always surprising, also adds to the horror impression in The Nun 2.

Just like the first movie, The Nun 2 will again star Taissa Farmiga, Jonas Bloquet (Frenchie), and Bonnie Aarons.

Previously, The Nun (2018) was a successful film that spread terror with terrifying visualizations.

The Nun was first released in Indonesia on (5/9/2018) and the United States on (7/9/2018) by Warner Bros. Pictures. The movie has reportedly grossed $309.2 million worldwide.

Not only that, The Nun (2018) also received mixed reviews from critics. They criticized the narrative and the film's reliance on elements of sudden fear. However, The Nun (2018) was also praised for its performance and horror atmosphere.

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