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An important part of sress management is taking care of both your physical and mental health. But sometimes you have time to go and spend a day in nature and you need something that you can do right and there when you are stressed. Here are some great ways that will work just about for anyone at any.

Listen To Music

One of the best ways to get rid of stress and something that you can do no matter where you are at, is listening to music. You can either take a classical approach and you can listen to calming music which is known to lower blood pressure and the hormones that are linked with stress or you can listen to music that you know relaxes you. Even if that means that you are listening to hardcore metal. Avoid listening to songs that make you feel sad and emotional as that will only make things worse.

Talk It Out with A Friend

When you feel like you are too stressed to function, take a breather and call your best friend. One of the best ways you can feel more relaxed is to have a good talk with someone who you love. Venting is very important when you are stressed and what is better than a friendly reassuring voice to calm you down.

Talk Yourself Through It

As we have said, venting is one of the best things that you can do to calm yourself down. But sometimes you can't call your friend so the next best thing is to talk to yourself. If you don't want to talk to yourself, start singing your favourite song or just do something to vocalise that stress and make it go away.

Eat Right

What a lot of people don't know is that not having a proper diet will cause you to get stressed. When you are stressed out you are likely not going to eat or eat foods that are good for you. Try to eat foods that are high in omega-3s as well as fruits and vegetables. Even though you are probably not feeling like eating when you are stressed it will make you feel much better and energised in the long run.

Have A Laugh

Even though it might sound silly, laughing will release endorphins which will improve your mood, therefore it will make you less dressed. Laughing will make your nervous system think that you are having fun so it will relax. If you can't make yourself laugh, look up funny videos or watch a comedy bit to get you going.

Drink Calming Tea

We know that caffeine is responsible for spiking your blood pressure and making people anxious. That is because it will cause you to go into overdrive, especially if you are drinking more than you should. If you are watching to get a caffeine fix, try drinking green or black tea. But if you don't want any caffeine opt for drinking calming teas such as chamomile.

Be Mindful

Even though this is not immediate relief, changing your lifestyle will make you feel less stressed and it will be more effective in the long run. Being mindful is a big part of somatic approaches and it will lead to having more stable mental health which will lead to handling stress better. If you struggle to find that inner peace on your own you can try online courses or find a profession that will guide you along that journey.


A lot of people think that exercising means that they need to spend hours upon hours at the gym, but that is not the case. If you are feeling stressed out you can do a couple of jumping jacks, walk around the block or even stretch. All of those activities will get your blood moving and it will release the endorphins that will improve your mood almost instantly.

Try To Sleep Better

We all know that when you are stressed out you can't sleep. And once that happens you will fall into the loop of being stressed and not sleeping and being stressed about not sleeping on top of the thing that you are already stressed about. That is not a healthy loop so you need to break it. Even though it might be hard to find the thing that will help you break that cycle you need to. Try turning off your electronics hours before you go to bed, reading or taking a relaxing bath before going to bed.

Do Breathing Exercises

We all know the “take a deep breath” sentence, and even though it is a cliche it works and it is a cliche sentence for a reason. Buddhist monks have been doing breathing exercises for centuries for a good reason. All you need to do is sit up in your chair or on the floor, put your hands on top of your knees and take deep breaths. Do that for three to five minutes and you will start to feel more relaxed. That is all because taking deep breaths will allow more oxygen into your blood and it will make you feel more relaxed.

Learn more Things About Stress Relief

Because stress is an unavoidable part of our lives, you should learn how to not let it consume your life. Too much stress can cause both mental and physical problems and even cancer. That is why you should do your best to learn how to prevent it or not let it consume your life.

Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation

 There are a lot of people who don't know about progressive muscle relaxation. As its name says, it is all about relaxing muscles in your body until you are not tense anymore. You will want to start with taking a few deep breaths and relaxing one muscle group at a time. Start from your forehead and make your way down to your feet. Once you start practising this you will be able to tell which parts of your body hold all the tension.

Take a Walk

As we have mentioned above, exercise is a great stress reliever, so if you get stressed at work make sure that you take a break and walk around. Go to the nearest park and clear your mind while enjoying the change of scenery.

Get a Hug from a Loved One

Not a lot of people realise that physical touch can relieve your stress. That is why hugging someone you love is beneficial to living a stress-free life. It is because when you hug someone it will cause the production of oxytocin which is responsible for reducing blood pressure. It will also reduce the level of your stress hormones and it will produce a sense of relaxation. Don’t be afraid to ask for a hug when you feel like you need it. It will be good for both of you.

Enjoy Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is one of the best and fastest ways of relaxing. It will not only make you feel less stressed but it can make you feel more energised. That is because certain secrets can alter your brain wave activity and that will decrease the dress hormones in your body. If you can't light candles where you are at you can use diffusers or even nice smelling body products. Set the scenery for yourself. If you have an outdoor space, have a nice round outdoor ottoman and surround yourself with smells that relax you and you will feel better in no time.

Create New Artwork

Something that relaxes people who are creative is creating something with their hands. Even if you don't draw you can get an adult colouring book and go at it. It will instantly start to relax you and you will feel good about what you've created. If that is not something that you like doing you can start your own blog and write posts to clear your mind.


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