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Hemoglobinopathy treatment drugs include hydroxyurea (Siklos, Hydrea, and Droxia), ACE inhibitors, antibiotics, and analgesics. Blood transfusions should be given only when strictly indicated. Hemoglobinopathy is a genetic disorder in which there is an abnormal structure or production of a hemoglobin molecule. This group of disorders includes thalassemias, sickle cell anemia, hemoglobin S-C disease, and hemoglobin C disease. They fall into two main groups: thalassemia syndromes and structural hemoglobin variants (abnormal hemoglobin). Common symptoms of the condition include enlarged spleen, shortness of breath, severe pain, and growth problems in children.

Hemoglobinopathy treatment drugs include oral medication, such as deferiprone (Ferriprox) or deferasirox (Jadenu and Exjade). Another drug, deferoxamine (Desferal), is given by needle. These drugs are used to treat thalassemia. An individual with thalassemia trait has a normal life expectancy. However, heart complications can make this condition fatal before the age of 30 years. Consuming beetroot, lentils, sweet potatoes, and banana can help reduce symptoms of thalassemia, as these foods have folic acid that can help in producing more red blood cells. Thus, with the increasing prevalence of hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia, the demand for hemoglobinopathy treatment drugs is also increasing.

Read More : https://bit.ly/3zxJWeV