ajru12's articles

Every organization, may it be small or large, business or government, is striving to adopt and implement the latest technologies to fulfill their need and that of their customers. However, the use of technologies also presents them with distinct business challenges. IT infrastructure management is often confused with IT management which involves a broad spectrum […]
DevOps isn’t a technology; it is an organizational approach that accelerates the development of applications and eases the maintenance of existing deployments.  By combining development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams, DevOps promotes shorter iterations through best practices, changes in organization structure and culture, automation and new tools.  DevOps is also seen as a conscious shift […]
Node.js has gained immense popularity among developers due to its ability to build scalable and efficient server-side applications. One key factor contributing to its success is the rich ecosystem of NPM (Node Package Manager) packages. These play a crucial role in Node.js development by providing ready-to-use modules and libraries that simplify complex tasks thereby enhancing […]
Programming is becoming an essential skill set for DevOps engineers. It doesn’t mean that DevOps engineers have to create fully-featured apps like other developers. But, it’s a little different for DevOps professionals. For their help, there are various development tools available for use for seamless DevOps development. Moreover, DevOps uses different technologies like Python, effective […]
If your ecommerce business sells merchandise, you need a place to store them—in an ecommerce warehouse, fulfilment centre or a distribution centre. You can purchase a piece of land, lease a large facility, or outsource ecommerce warehousing to fulfil your customer orders— but warehousing doesn’t start or end here. Efficient ecommerce warehouse management will determine […]
eCommerce has become more accessible with solutions, like Shopify and WordPress, allowing even non-technical entrepreneurs to create online stores. The global eCommerce market is projected to reach $6.07 trillion by 2024, growing at 11.34% annually. Running an eCommerce business has its allure and challenges. It’s gaining popularity worldwide, but competition is fierce, requiring constant adaptation. […]
Modern software programming languages (like C# and VB.NET) utilize a human-friendly syntax that is not directly understandable by computers. Software commands in this human-friendly syntax are referred to as Source Code. Before a computer can execute the source code, special programs called compilers must rewrite it into machine instructions, also known as object code. This process […]
Mostly, programmers develop their applications using high-level programming languages that are human-readable. Using that, developers create the primary logic that the app has to perform. Since the code is in human-understandable language, developers have to be skilled in understanding how programming is done and be clear with the logic part. Typically, developers write the source […]