cardiologistindore's articles

जटिल एंजियोप्लास्टी के लिए अभिनव दृष्टिकोण: हृदय देखभाल में प्रगति Innovative Approaches to Complex Angioplasty: Advances in Cardiovascular Care हाल के दिनों में, भारत और दुनिया भर के रोगियों में हृदय रोग का प्रसार लगातार बढ़ रहा है। इस जटिल बीमारी से निपटने के लिए, शाल्बी मल्टीस्पेशलिटी अस्पताल के कार्डियोलॉजी विभाग ने हाल ही में […]
मुख्य संकाय के रूप में डॉ. सिद्धांत जैन और प्रोफेसर डॉ. एम. लेसियाक इंदौर में, हृदय रोगों की पहचान और उपचार के लिए विभिन्न तरीकों का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है, जो समुदाय में हृदय स्वास्थ्य सुनिश्चित करने की प्रतिबद्धता को प्रदर्शित करता है। इंदौर के शाल्बी मल्टी-स्पेशियलिटी अस्पताल के समर्पित हृदय विशेषज्ञ डॉ. सिद्धांत जैन […]
कोलेस्ट्रॉल को आमतौर पर खराब चीज़ के रूप में देखा जाता है, लेकिन यह वास्तव में हमारी कोशिकाओं और शरीर के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। हमारे कोलेस्ट्रॉल के स्तर के बारे में जानना हमारे समग्र स्वास्थ्य के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। इस लेख में, हम इस बारे में बात करेंगे कि कोलेस्ट्रॉल कितना महत्वपूर्ण है, इंदौर के […]
INTRODUCTION: Cardiologist Doctor Siddhant Jain says that as sedentary lifestyles, poor eating habits, and other risk factors have increased, cardiovascular diseases have emerged as a major global cause of morbidity and mortality. The cardiologist emerges as a major medical specialist in the fight against heart disease, with the knowledge and abilities to identify, treat, and prevent […]
Doctors are frequently referred to as God by our elders. Have you ever wondered why? Because they can improve our health while we are unwell. The heart is an essential organ that pumps and distributes blood throughout the body. Cardiologists are heart specialists. Simply put, they are heart specialists who have studied heart health particularly. […]
Mind Your LDL Levels! Even Borderline Cholesterol Can Trigger Health Problems If someone with borderline cholesterol doesn’t take appropriate action to lower their LDL level, there is a risk of their LDL level rising, resulting in high cholesterol. Here’s what you need to know about managing cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is made […]
A heart specialist in Indore is someone who looks after our hearts and blood arteries. They aid in the prevention of cardiac disorders such as irregular heart rhythms, heart failure, and other heart problems. A cardiologist does a physical exam, analyses your cardiac symptoms, and prescribes medications. You should always visit a heart specialist in Indore to keep your […]
Indore heart specialist doctor An Indore heart specialist doctor is someone who takes care of our hearts and blood vessels. Dr. Siddhant Jain help to avoid cardiac illnesses such as irregular heartbeats, heart failure, and other heart problems. A cardiologist examines you, evaluates your cardiac problems, and recommends drugs. To maintain your heart healthy, you should always see an Indore […]
A heart surgeon in Indore is the best professional with specialized training and education in performing operations on the heart and the main blood vessels that surround it. A heart surgeon in Indore examines you physically, consults with you regarding your cardiac problems, and administers medication. A cardiologist looks after our heart and arteries. They help to avoid cardiac […]
3D Mapping Arrhythmia Ablation Workshop Successfully Concluded at Shalby Hospital, Indore Adding another feather in the prestigious cap, cardiologists at Shalby Hospital, Indore did the first high definition 3D Mapping arrhythmia workshop in the state. 3D mapping is a highly specialized form of treatment for arrhythmia or disorders of a heartbeat. A team of cardiologists […]
Dr. Siddhant Jain, Director, Cardiac Sciences, Chief Interventional Cardiologist & one of the Top cardiologist in Indore, Shalby Hospitals. The human body is constantly working. We go through the motions of things throughout the day. It is while we sleep is when our body replenishes… Dr. Siddhant Jain, Director, Cardiac Sciences & Chief Interventional Cardiologist, Shalby […]
Dr. Siddhant Jain, Director, Cardiac Sciences, Chief Interventional Cardiologist & one of the Top cardiologist in Indore, Shalby Hospitals. The human body is constantly working. We go through the motions of things throughout the day. It is while we sleep is when our body replenishes… Dr. Siddhant Jain, Director, Cardiac Sciences & Chief Interventional Cardiologist, Shalby […]
हमारे दिल में चार वाल्व होते है, जिसमे सबसे प्रमुख होता है, महाधमनी वाल्व (Aortic Valve) हृदय वाल्व रोग सबसे गंभीर है। जब हृदय का महाधमनी वाल्व संकरा हो जाता है। वाल्व पूरी तरह से नहीं खुलता है, जो आपके हृदय से मुख्य धमनी (महाधमनी) और आपके शरीर के बाकी हिस्सों में रक्त के प्रवाह […]


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