coinscapture's articles

Vechain Foundation is a company that offers solutions for supply chain management and business operations. The company was founded in 2015 as a part of BitSE, a Shanghai-based Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform. Its system has been proven in the real world for various industrial applications, including supply chain management, anti-counterfeiting, carbon credits, asset management, client and […]
Blockchain was first introduced with Bitcoin, and it has completely revolutionized the technology industry.  As the name suggests, each block consists of information that are chained together in chronological order. It is a type of database, a digital ledger of information. The most common application of Blockchain is seen in Crypto-world due to which frequently, […]
The cryptocurrency trend is undeniably a huge hit in the current financial industry. A growing number of people are participating in the Cryptocurrency world, and it is attracting major investors. Nonetheless, what if something unexpected happened and one day all of your coins are gone? Since Cryptocurrency is based on a decentralized peer-to-peer network, there […]