DeboxTravCRM's articles

In the busy and always-changing world of garment manufacturing, it's crucial for businesses to manage sales well in many different ways to stay ahead of the competition. Since online shopping became popular, regular physical stores are not the only way to sell products anymore. Today, businesses must seamlessly manage sales across multiple channels, including online […]
Earlier, ERP systems were normally seen to be straight-ahead industrial manufacturing tools; largely oriented to the indexing and database of particular resource elements such as raw materials, individual products, or the  people management. However, over time, the beginning of other modules to extend ERP base systems, either through the integration of formerly stand-alone systems, or […]
During the sales interaction, sales CRM software is an apparatus for dealing with all touch points with possibilities or clients. Any correspondence between deals specialists and their leads, both immediate and roundabout, can be considered a touch point. The product monitors prospect contact, naturally blends client information, sends follow-up updates, and that's only the tip of the […]


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