Deepika95's articles

Customer experience is the new battleground for businesses across industries. Gone are the days when products or services alone could guarantee success. Today, it is the overall experience that a customer has with a brand that sets apart the winners from the rest. This realization has given rise to the discipline of Customer Experience Management […]
Outsourced Product Development (OPD) has emerged as a critical strategy for companies seeking to accelerate their product development processes, reduce costs, and access specialized expertise. As technology continues to develop at an exceptional pace, businesses need to stay ahead of the competition and embrace innovation in their OPD endeavors.  In this blog, we will explore […]
Every company wishes to provide value to its customers, for which they require a strong operating model that can assist in meeting their organizational performance objectives. According to estimates, nearly 70% of well-planned strategies fail due to poor execution. Furthermore, 61% of executives reported being unprepared for the challenges that came with being promoted to […]
Data is crucial to a company's ongoing performance improvement, and organisations should engage in business intelligence consulting for streamlining its operations. An organisation can use business intelligence services to make decisions supported by a broad overview rather than simply a small data set. The act of surfacing and evaluating data within an organisation to gain […]
Pharmaceutical digital marketing significantly impacts physicians, especially their prescription practices. In our country, India, several same drugs are sold under different brand names by different pharmaceuticals. If we talk about pharma marketing methods, there are several strategies that are executed in the field. They are Advertisements, Sales promotion, Public relations, Direct marketing, and Personal selling. […]