memdhealthtech's articles

  Introduction The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. This small butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck produces hormones that regulate metabolism, energy levels, and even mood. When the thyroid gland is not functioning optimally, it can lead to a range of health issues, including hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. […]
  Digestive disorders can be uncomfortable and even debilitating. It’s important to seek the advice of a gastroenterologist online consultation if you are experiencing any digestive issues. Here are five of the most common digestive disorders and how they can be treated by the best gastroenterologist online consultation. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)GERD occurs when stomach acid flows back […]
  Infertility can be a challenging and heartbreaking issue for couples who are trying to conceive. Fortunately, there are many treatment options available, including Male Infertility Treatment and fertility clinics near you. But did you know that nutrition can also play a significant role in Fertility? Certain foods are considered “superfoods” because of their ability to provide exceptional […]
Since the Coronavirus pandemic hit the world with a severe fatality, healthcare has significantly changed the most. The priorities have changed, and the different healthcare practices and protocols have undergone a major transformation. One of the most positive outcomes of these changes is virtual doctor consultation. While the world was fighting the oddest of odds in […]
The Coronavirus pandemic has completely changed the dynamics of the healthcare sector. During the pandemic, people needed support from doctors, both physical and mental. However, the ongoing situation did not permit a face-to-face encounter with doctors, which involved a high risk of catching infections. This significant issue made many start-ups conceive a business idea where […]
Ayurveda has been used to treat patients since time immemorial. In this digital era, you can easily find an Ayurvedic doctor who does online Ayurvedic consultation. If you want to know about Ayurvedic consultation, you are in the right place. In this article, everything you need to know about it will be discussed. Why Choose Ayurvedic Consultation? […]


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