singhalhomeo's articles

Masturbation is a complex condition in which a person develops a physiological, psychological, and emotional dependence on self-gratification. It is a progressive and chronic condition where people continue to masturbate despite social and personal consequences. Though chronic masturbation is treatable, but many people hesitate to seek treatment due to shame and social stigma. Homeopathic treatment […]
Childhood asthma is a respiratory condition that affects millions of children worldwide. It is a chronic disease that causes the lungs' airways to become inflamed & narrow. Thereby, reducing airflow into and out of the lungs. Various factors, including allergens, exercise, pollution, and respiratory infections, can trigger asthma attacks. This condition is a major cause […]
Aging has its advantages and disadvantages. The latter include piles, clinically known as hemorrhoids, which is a condition when veins in your rectum or around the anus swell. These swollen blood vessels can turn bowel movement into an intensely painful experience. It is common for pregnant women and older adults to suffer from piles, but […]


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