pradeep's articles

In the competitive world, each one wants to succeed in their businesses, which make them take advantage of every tool and resource within their reach. Making some smart decisions helps businesses thrive, and reliable information is the main key to making intelligent decisions.   IT business analysts work with management and stakeholders to define their business […]
Selenium is an automation tool which can automate testing to find errors in the web applications before they cause any disasters. Today people all over the world use the applications for every purpose and its popularity is increasing day by day. What would have happened if there was no automation testing tool like selenium? Yes! […]
Business analyst is one of the primary objectives for helping the business implementation technology solutions in the way of cost-effective management. It is determined with the basic requirements of a project or program and communicating them clearly to stakeholders, facilitators and partners. Business analyst training is the best career opportunity for making tasks with finding […]
Selenium is one of the widely used open-source Web automation testing tools. This supports the automation of websites across different browsers, platforms, and programming languages. You can start to learn selenium through online tutorials, or by taking some online selenium courses. This type of selenium tutorial provides you with basic and advanced concepts of selenium. […]
Quality assurance is the part of quality testing management that is mainly focused on providing confidence to fulfill their quality requirements. It makes the confidence will provide to the management and externally to the customers, government agencies, regulators, certifiers, and third parties. While the quality assurance officer will be responsible for administering an audit report […]
In atough economic environment, it is important to cut out the waste and becomemore efficient. There is a diverse career for business analysts where theyunderstand a business’s changing needs and provide technological solutions toimprove its processes and systems. The business analyst training helps you to perform thedifferent tasks efficiently. The training helps you to speed […]
Python is the globally famous and fastest programming language among SDE’s, mathematicians, scientists and data analysts. It is simple because python is a very beginner-friendly programming language. This python is an interpreted language; each instruction is independently executed. So that it reduces the burden for the programmer.App development, web development, machine learning can also be […]