Niti Sharma's articles

The market landscape in 2021 is fiercely competitive and requires businesses to possess a number of tools, software, and strategies to maintain an innovative edge. This is especially true for small businesses that market to a niche of demanding customers. Modern consumers are highly discerning and require prompt attention to queries. Customer service that exceeds […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has enormously impacted countless lives and exacerbated several disruptions in progress, laying bare the unsustainable business models. Even the most successful global businesses are facing major layoffs and disruptive changes. COVID-19 has introduced a whole new set of potential threats to the well-established business principles that have guided our business strategies over […]
Blockchain is a promising technology, which has found a plethora of use –cases in the industry. From cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin) to smart contracts (self-executing programmable contracts) to Dapps (decentralized applications), the technology is paving way for innovation across all business sectors. Consequently, blockchain technology has created thousands of job opportunities across the globe. According to […]
With emerging innovative services and a competitive business environment, both small and large organizations are opting to outsource certain processes. Organizations would need to focus on the competencies to make their presence known in the market. But handling and running a business is not just about managing the competencies but managing the non-core business functions […]
No matter what the profession, the next step as your career progresses includes more strategic thinking and management than anything else. Strategic management as an advanced career choice is common among people from all kinds of occupations – from dentists and engineers to computer scientists and manufacturers. Strategic management certification equips professionals to wear many […]
A career in data science demands extensive skillset and merges many subject disciplines under its umbrella, e.g. business logic, statistics, coding knowledge, among others. Hence, it becomes critical for a data science aspirants to acquire as many skills, across multiple subject disciplines that are closely related to data analytics and the science deployed at its […]