Silver Lining Herbs's articles

Your horse’s gut wellness is an essential part of their overall well-being. When a horse’s digestive system becomes disrupted, it can lead to a number of issues. Some horses may experience mild gut discomfort. Others may develop more serious intestinal issues—and possibly colic. Conversely, when your horse’s digestive system is supported, it can lead to […]
The natural world is home to all kinds of useful, wonderful plants. Countless plants have been tied to human use going back centuries—or longer—thanks to their various properties. Plants like chamomile, garlic, ginger, licorice, myrrh, and slippery elm are just a handful of examples noted for their benefits. And these plants aren't just beneficial for […]
The importance of hydration cannot be understated. It can be just as crucial for your horses as it is for you—and all your other animals. When it comes to equine wellness, hydration should always be one of your top priorities. It can support everything from respiration to digestion. When hydration is disrupted, it can lead […]
Late fall can be an unpredictable time for horses. Throughout November and December, it’s not uncommon for weather and temperatures to fluctuate wildly. One day, it might be an amenable 50 degrees, and the next, a frigid 25. These temperature fluctuations can impact horse wellness. During the fall, horses may already be dealing with a […]