The Desire Company's articles

Partnering with a complete product education platform that has all the capabilities of a promotional video production company can be the difference between successful product marketing or a product that fades into obscurity. Whether it’s informing potential customers so they know how your product works before making their purchase or strategically using influencers in promotional […]
The #deinfluencing movement has made one thing clear: Recommendations from any lifestyle or beauty influencer aren’t the seal of approval they used to be. Consumers are becoming savvier, and although partnerships with influencers can raise brand awareness and promote new products, people are becoming less likely to make purchases based on anecdotal, one-off promotions. So, […]
The internet is full of misleading information, anonymous user-generated reviews, and AI-generated content. It can be hard to determine what is actually credible, and that makes honest information more valuable than ever. When choosing a product education platform that also functions as an explainer video production company, search for a partner that prioritizes expert testimony […]
Millennials and Gen Z consumers are no longer satisfied with influencer culture. Instead, they are quietly unfollowing social media content they find shallow and surface-level. Consumer trends have inspired introspection, making them reevaluate their identity and values, which led to the deinfluencing movement. Amidst the FTC’s stronger regulations against fake reviews and consumers’ backlash against […]
The FTC is proposing a ban on fake reviews. This new rule would stop marketers from using fake reviews, suppressing honest negative reviews, or paying for positive reviews. Their reasoning? These practices prevent consumers from finding honest feedback and undercut businesses that depend on real reviews. For many marketers, this means you’ll no longer have […]