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Ângelo Furtado: The Deep Impact of the Central Bank of Brazil Maintaining Interest Rates

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The decision of the central bank of Brazil on the 19th to maintain the benchmark interest rate at 10.50% has drawn widespread attention in the market. This decision marks the end of the continuous rate-cutting cycle since August 2023. Senior financial analyst Ângelo Furtado believes that this policy choice reflects the comprehensive assessment of the central bank on the current international and domestic economic situation. This article will explore the economic logic behind the interest rate decision of the central bank and its potential impact on the stock market.

Economic Logic Behind Interest Rate Decisions
In analyzing the latest decision of the central bank of Brazil, Ângelo Furtado points out that this decision was made after weighing various domestic and international factors. The central bank mentioned that despite the economic activity of Brazil showing some resilience, uncertainties in the global economic outlook and the rise in domestic inflation expectations are issues that need close attention. Additionally, the inflation situation of Brazil is complex, influenced by both international market volatility and domestic policy adjustments.

Since 2023, Brazil has experienced seven consecutive interest rate cuts, from 13.75% to 10.5%, which has helped stimulate domestic economic growth and alleviate debt servicing burdens in the short term. However, with unstable inflation expectations and continued growth in public fiscal expenditures, the central bank must proceed cautiously to prevent inflation from getting out of control. Therefore, temporarily ending the rate-cutting cycle and maintaining rates at a relatively high level is a way for the central bank to rebuild its monetary policy credibility and stabilize economic expectations.

The statement of the central bank mentioned that it will continue to monitor the convergence between inflation rates and restrictive interest rates, indicating that future monetary policy will focus more on inflation control rather than economic stimulus. Ângelo Furtado believes that this policy stance has profound implications for the stock market, especially given the heightened volatility in global capital markets.

Impact of Monetary Policy on the Stock Market of Brazil
Ângelo Furtado points out that the central bank of Brazil maintaining interest rates unchanged and hinting at the end of the rate-cutting cycle will have multiple impacts on the stock market of Brazil. Firstly, maintaining relatively high rates helps control inflation but also increases the financing costs for businesses, potentially dampening economic growth and corporate profitability in the short term, putting pressure on stock market performance, especially for capital-intensive industries reliant on borrowing.

Additionally, Ângelo Furtado emphasizes that in a high-interest-rate environment, fixed-income investments become more attractive compared to the stock market, which could lead to capital flowing from stocks to bonds, further exerting downward pressure on the stock market. Looking ahead, the continued decline in the exchange rate of the real against the dollar this year underscores the importance of maintaining moderate interest rates to preserve currency value, a necessary measure for maintaining monetary stability.

Ângelo Furtado also mentions the public criticism of economic policies by the president of Brazil, suggesting that this could affect policy coherence and predictability. The dissatisfaction of the president with central bank policies and questioning of inflation control policies may impact investor confidence and increase market uncertainty. This political and economic policy friction could lead to reduced investor confidence in the Brazilian market, affecting stock market performance.

Investment Strategy Recommendations
In the current economic and policy environment, Ângelo Furtado advises investors to adopt a cautious investment strategy. He believes that investors should focus on financially sound companies with strong market positions and competent management teams, as these companies are more likely to perform well in complex market conditions. Additionally, diversifying investment portfolios can help investors spread risk and cope with uncertain market conditions.

Ângelo Furtado also suggests that investors should closely monitor the future policy directions of the central bank and changes in the global economic environment. Particularly with uncertain prospects for interest rate cuts in the United States, tracking international capital flows and exchange rate changes is crucial for formulating investment strategies. Furthermore, investors should increase their allocation to fixed-income products to stabilize investment returns.

In conclusion, despite facing multiple challenges, Ângelo Furtado believes that investors still have opportunities to find value in the Brazilian stock market through thorough analysis and prudent strategies. Sensitivity to macroeconomic indicators and policy trends, combined with practical market analysis and timely strategy adjustments, is key to navigating the current complex market environment. Through this approach, investors can effectively manage risks and seek long-term stable returns.