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According to Ayurveda, every human being is a unique phenomenon of cosmic energy, which manifests itself through the three basic elements of the “Tridosha” – Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Water). The individual’s constitution has its own unique balance of these three energies. Best Ayurvedic Treatment of Weight Loss in Mumbai India at the best price. Samskrt offers the Best ayurvedic medicine for weight loss in India to our clients so that they can live a healthy lifestyle with the best.

Weight loss is caused by an imbalance of ‘Kapha – Water Energy’. People with a Kapha constitution are more likely to gain weight through excess fat than a Pitta (Fire) or Vata (Air) person. However today even excess Vata imbalance causes obesity. People with an imbalance in their Kapha energy have to take that little extra care to avoid putting on those unwanted pounds.

Most people believe that just exercising can reduce weight, however, weight loss is a more mental state than physical. An obese person has severe anxiety and this causes him to eat all the time and that too unhealthy food. Most people who have already undergone modern methods of weight reduction have either lost a lot of hair or have saggy skin or have had to deal with bouts of depression and even suicidal tendencies.

Samskrt is about bringing the highly evolved science of lifestyle to every home in the world and we provide the best Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Loss in Mumbai.

As we know, Universe is made up of energy. These energies are of two types – gross energy and subtle energy. Gross energy is the physics that we learn in schools and subtle energy is quantum physics. Gross energy is the energy that can be seen and is measurable i.e the five senses of touch, taste, see, hearing, and smell. Subtle energy is energy that we cannot see but can see its effects like breathing, digestion, and evacuation. This energy that forms our aura grows when our frequency is higher and when our hormones are balanced. This completes the circuit and our gross body is healthy.

When the energy channels are blocked then the circuits remain incomplete and we see problems in our gross body when the channels are open all your gross senses are enhanced.

This subtle energy gets affected due to four factors – environment, lifestyle, diet (time & quality), exercise (quality & quantity)

The environment we cannot change but our Lifestyle, Diet, and Exercise can be corrected.

Lifestyle – Dysfunctional lifestyle disturbs the biological clock in our body leading to stress and stress hormones being released in our body. This blocks the subtle energy channels.

Diet – Irregular timing of eating and diet which does not give you energy, lowers the frequency of your body and the body is not able to fight germs and viruses.

Yoga & mind management – This can alter your gene expression so that the external factors which we cannot change can be reacted to by our body in a different way.

So what Samskrt does is it gives you the best Treatment to Lose Weight with Ayurveda in India, so that you can live a unique lifestyle, nutritional plan, yoga, and Yog Nidra to balance the energy flow in your body so as to balance your body, mind, and soul.

So you see when your subtle energy is balanced the gross energy in your body functions at its peak and optimum level. Come for an Ayurvedic Treatment of Weight Loss in Mumbai to Samskrt and get the best Treatment to Lose Weight with Ayurveda in India today!