1. Fashion

Best Ways to Take Care of Your Designer Dresses

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While washing and cleaning are the best methods to take care of your designer dresses, they aren't the most efficient. In addition, several surveys have shown how regular use of detergent powder or liquid can damage the clothes and render them useless. So to extend the longevity and maintain the glam of every designer dress, you need to establish a proper care and maintenance routine. 

If it is your first time, the following pointers will help you care for your designer dress collection. Besides, we have also listed some common mistakes people commit while handling these high-end clothes.

How to take care of your designer dress? 

Taking care of designer clothes is not an easy task. You need to consider several factors to make a proper care and maintenance regime. So, let's look at the best ways to keep your clothes safe and protected. 

Read labels

Care instructions are always mentioned on cloth tags in most designer apparel. So follow them properly because every dress requires customized cleaning technique.

Hand wash the dresses

If you check the care guides of most designers, you will notice they explicitly state that the garment should be hand washed. This is because putting it in the washing machine may damage the fabric due to strong convectional water flow and agitation.

Remove stains immediately

If the designer dresses get stained, you must immediately remove the mark as the stain can become permanent and ruin the entire garment. For example, if you accidentally spill wine on your gown, you should soak up the liquid with tissue paper.

Pay attention to drying 

Ensure you choose a proper location to dry your clothes. Also, you shouldn’t use an iron or heating appliance to dry cloth. The high temperatures can easily damage the fabric and any embroidery.

Dry cleaning

Some designer clothes can be sent for dry cleaning. In this case, choose a reputed and reliable dry cleaning store that will handle your dress with utmost care. 

Storing designer clothes

When storing your favorite new designer dress from designers such as Anita Dongre, use a plastic or fabric cover and add naphthalene balls to keep worms and bugs away. It will also eliminate the musty smell. 

Hang the dresses

While keeping the dresses inside your closet or wardrobe, try to hang them instead of forming a stack. This will keep the fabric safe from further damage. 

Mistakes you must avoid while taking care of designer clothes?

  • Do not use any harsh garment cleaner, regardless of whether it is a powder or liquid.
  • You must ensure you dry the clothes properly before storing them.
  • Never miss the naphthalene balls, as bugs can easily destroy your dress.
  • While ironing, use the iron board for better maneuvering.

These tips will help you keep your designer dresses new-like for years to come.