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As people everywhere rediscover the power of natural supplements, the bathroom medicine cabinet is transforming. Over-the-counter solutions are rapidly making way for ancient, naturally derived remedies. Natural health supplements have the power to fortify the human body, prevent illness and even help manage some health conditions. Black seed oil is just one of these ancient health supplements. In this post, we’ll look at several supportive, natural helpers and tell you why you should keep them in your medicine cabinet.

Black Seed Oil

It’s a rapidly growing interest for those who prefer natural supplements: Black Seed Oil is derived from the small, black seed of the Nigella sativa plant. The use of this seed dates back to the Ancient Near East and Biblical times.

Today, Black Seed Oil is revered as an anti-inflammatory, a weight loss aid, a blood sugar regulator, and a source of hair and skin health. There is research to suggest that its active ingredient Thymoquinone may also have a positive effect on kidney health. Used topically or added to food, Black Seed Oil is a supplement with much to offer busy families who care about their health and act to maintain it.

Pharmaceuticals and Supplements

There are some illnesses that require pharmaceutical drug therapy. Supplements can support treatment by helping to alleviate symptoms associated with pharmaceutical use (ie: CBD’s role in treating nausea from chemotherapy or the effect of kratom alkaloids on cancer cells).

It’s important, though, that people being treated for illnesses with pharmaceutical drug therapy check in with their primary caregiver to ensure there are no contraindications. Certain drugs and herbal supplements can interact negatively with each other, so always share any plan to add them to your treatment strategy with your doctor.

Kratom for Health

Kratom has proven benefits for mental health, including its positive impact on conditions like depression and anxiety. But as this plant (a relative of coffee from Southeast Asia) becomes more widely known, other health benefits are coming to light.

While sometimes used as a mood enhancer, studies have made it clear that most people use the plant in its refined form for their health. With significant evidence that Kratom relieves pain, it’s also being found to help with opioid withdrawal. What we know about this helpful supplement is growing every day but research continues, especially with respect to the plant’s smaller alkaloids. While most research has centered on mitragynine, other alkaloids present in kratom promise to refine pharmacological treatments. Studies continue to underline that kratom is safe for use.

Nicotine Detox

Cigarette smoking is one of the leading causes of illness and death in the USA. For that reason, it’s becoming less tolerated, with governments at all levels seeking to curtail the practice via legislation.

Natural support to cleanse your system of nicotine is the first step to ending your dependence on it. This highly addictive substance once flushed from your system, has less power over you.  Those seeking freedom from the tyranny of nicotine addiction should consider a natural detox regimen. Once it’s in your medicine cabinet, you’re one step closer to freedom!

CBD and Your Body

CBD (Cannabidiol) has opened the door to consideration of the health benefits offered by numerous supplements. Its rise as a source of wellness has been rapid because its applications are numerous and the people it’s helped are innumerable.

Interacting with the endocannabinoid system of the human body, CBD works to establish “homeostasis” – balance in all the body’s systems, leading to overall wellness, and offering benefits to specific health conditions. Benefits included are improved mental health, relief from PTSD, epilepsy management, pain management and relief, and marked improvement in complications from diabetes. These are only some of the benefits of CBD. A CBD oil regime, when practiced consistently, can make a tremendous difference to your health and wellness.

Is it time for you to make space in your medicine cabinet for natural supplements that improve and support optimal health? As these supplements and natural helpers become more widely diffused and understood, the hope is that Western medicine will find in them a source of complementary care that benefits the health of all people. Black seed oil, kratom, natural detox aides, and CBD hold the promise of a healthier future. Start your personal health revolution in your own medicine cabinet!


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