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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, having a reliable and robust network infrastructure is crucial for the success and growth of any company. One of the key components of a network infrastructure is the Internet Protocol (IP) address. IPv4 addresses, the fourth version of the Internet Protocol, have been the industry standard for decades. However, with the increasing demand for IP addresses and the limited supply of available IPv4 addresses, companies are faced with the challenge of acquiring the necessary IP resources to support their growth.

In this article, we will explore the options available to growing companies in acquiring IPv4 addresses. We will discuss the traditional approach of buying IPv4 address blocks and explore an alternative solution that is gaining popularity – leasing IPv4 addresses. We will delve into the key considerations, benefits, and drawbacks of each option to help you make an informed decision for your company's IP address needs.

The Challenge of IPv4 Exhaustion

Before diving into the options for acquiring IPv4 addresses, it's important to understand the challenge of IPv4 exhaustion. IPv4 addresses provide unique identifiers for devices connected to the internet, allowing them to communicate with each other. However, the pool of available IPv4 addresses is finite, and the rapid growth of internet users and devices has led to the depletion of the IPv4 address space.

The exhaustion of IPv4 addresses occurred when the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) allocated the last remaining IPv4 address blocks to Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) in 2011. Since then, RIRs have implemented strict allocation policies, making it increasingly difficult for companies to acquire IPv4 addresses directly from them. This scarcity has driven up the prices of IPv4 addresses in the secondary market, making it a costly investment for growing companies.

Buying IPv4 Addresses

Lengthy IP Address Transfer Process

One of the traditional approaches to acquiring IPv4 addresses is buying them directly from IP address holders. However, the process of transferring IPv4 addresses can be lengthy and complex. Companies must navigate the transfer process, which involves contacting a Regional Internet Registry or using the services of an IPv4 broker.

The transfer process typically requires compliance with the RIR's policies, including the justification of the need for IP addresses. The pre-approval process can take several days, and the entire transfer process may take two to three weeks. Additionally, RIRs may charge transaction fees based on the size of the address block being transferred.

Competitive Pricing

The scarcity of IPv4 addresses has driven up the prices in the secondary market. The average price for IPv4 transfers has increased from $24 per IP address at the end of 2020 to $55 per address in December 2021. This pricing trend poses a significant financial burden for companies that require a large number of IP addresses.

For example, purchasing a /22 block, which contains 1,024 IPs, at an average price of $50 per IP would cost $51,200 upfront, not including transfer fees. The substantial upfront investment required for buying IPv4 addresses may limit the scalability and growth potential of companies, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Resource Burden

Acquiring a large inventory of IPv4 addresses through buying comes with the responsibility of managing and maintaining those resources. Managing a large number of IPs can be resource-intensive, requiring time, expertise, and potentially additional expenses for IP management services. This burden can be a long-term commitment that may not provide a sufficient return on investment for companies.

Furthermore, the reputational risks associated with buying IPv4 addresses should be considered. IP sellers may not have implemented adequate security measures to prevent IP blocklisting or ensure the legitimate use of their addresses. This can result in purchasing blocklisted IPs that are practically unusable. Ensuring the reputation and security of acquired IPv4 addresses is crucial for maintaining a reliable and trusted network infrastructure.

Leasing IPv4 Addresses

As an alternative to buying IPv4 addresses, leasing has emerged as a viable option for companies in need of IP resources. IPv4 leasing offers several advantages over traditional buying, providing a more flexible and cost-effective solution for growing companies.

Simpler and Faster Process

Leasing IPv4 addresses offers a simpler and faster process compared to the lengthy and complex transfer process associated with buying. Platforms like IPv4.deals Marketplace provides a streamlined lease process, allowing companies to lease IP addresses within minutes and bring them to their infrastructure within 24 hours. This expedites the acquisition of necessary IP resources, enabling companies to quickly scale their networks and support their growth.

Cost-Effective Solution

One of the significant advantages of leasing IPv4 addresses is the cost-effectiveness compared to buying. The average lease price for IPv4 addresses on platforms like IPv4.deals Marketplace is around $0.50 per month on average. This significantly reduces the upfront investment required, allowing companies to allocate their financial resources to other critical areas of business growth.

Furthermore, leasing eliminates the additional costs associated with IP management and maintenance. Companies leasing IPv4 addresses benefit from the expertise and infrastructure provided by the leasing platform, alleviating the resource burden of managing a large inventory of IPs. This cost-saving aspect makes leasing an attractive option for companies with limited budgets or those seeking more flexibility in their IP resource allocation.

Comparing Buying and Leasing

When deciding between buying and leasing IPv4 addresses, it's essential to consider several factors that impact your company's needs and goals. Let's compare the two options based on the transfer process, financial considerations, resource management, and IP reputation and security.

Transfer Process

Buying IPv4 addresses involves a more complex and time-consuming transfer process compared to leasing. The lengthy pre-approval and transfer procedures associated with buying can delay the acquisition of necessary IP resources, potentially hindering the growth and scalability of a company. On the other hand, leasing offers a streamlined and faster process, allowing companies to acquire IP addresses within minutes and bring them to their infrastructure within 24 hours.

Financial Considerations

From a financial perspective, leasing IPv4 addresses offers a more cost-effective solution compared to buying. The upfront investment required for buying IPv4 addresses can be substantial, especially for companies that require a large number of IPs. Leasing eliminates the need for a significant upfront investment, allowing companies to allocate their financial resources to other critical areas of business growth. Additionally, leasing avoids the additional costs associated with IP management and maintenance, further reducing the financial burden.

Resource Management

The resource burden associated with managing a large inventory of IPv4 addresses is a significant consideration when deciding between buying and leasing. Buying IPv4 addresses requires companies to take on the responsibility of managing and maintaining those resources, which can be resource-intensive and potentially costly. Leasing eliminates this burden, as the leasing platform takes care of IP management and maintenance, allowing companies to focus on their core business operations.


In conclusion, the decision to buy or lease IPv4 addresses depends on several factors, including the company's specific needs, financial considerations, resource management capabilities, and the importance of IP reputation and security. While buying IPv4 addresses provides ownership and potential long-term investment opportunities, it comes with a complex transfer process, competitive pricing, resource burden, and potential reputational risks. On the other hand, leasing IPv4 addresses offers a simpler and faster process, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, scalability, and enhanced IP reputation and security.

For growing companies, leasing IPv4 addresses can be a game-changer, providing the necessary IP resources to support their growth without the significant upfront investment and resource burden associated with buying. 


How much does it cost to buy an IPv4 address?

The cost of buying an IPv4 address can vary depending on market conditions and the size of the address block. On average, the price per IPv4 address can range from $45 to $60. However, this price does not include additional fees associated with the transfer process and IP management.

How can I buy an IPv4 address?

To buy an IPv4 address, companies can either directly negotiate with IP address holders or use the services of IPv4 brokers. The transfer process involves compliance with Regional Internet Registry policies and potentially paying transaction fees. It is important to ensure the legitimacy and reputation of the IPv4 addresses being purchased.

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