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Now more than ever, people seem to be concerned about the sources and the ingredients used in cleaning products on a daily basis. Of course, with good reason! Regardless of whether you spend the majority of your time in your home or in the office space, It is important to surround yourself with natural cleaning products please, natural drain cleaner, and much more. 

Fortunately, As eco-friendly cleaning is becoming popular by the day, it is important not to forget that some of the home products that you can use alongside these natural chemicals are available online for purchase. 

Here are some of the eco-friendly Green cleaners you can find within your home in case you have run out of your natural cleaning sprays and other natural kitchen cleaners.

Some home products that you can use as an alternative green cleaner:

  • White Vinegar

White vinegar is a complete medical package. Not only is it edible, but it’s an impressive cleaner. In fact, a lot of natural cleaning sprays tend to use vinegar as the base liquid for their product. 

They are used for many cleaning purposes, such as cleaning mirrors to windows and even the oven and refrigerator and removing stubborn stains and odors from clothes. It is an all-in-one package, and you will definitely benefit from stocking your home with white vinegar.

  • Baking Soda

If vinegar is the hero, then baking soda is definitely the Sidekick to this famous hero. Just as white vinegar is primary, but of course, it is much more. 

Combining baking soda along with vinegar creates a frothy mixture that is usually used to clean greens, faucets, sinks and even tubs in an easy manner. Baking soda in this combination is also used as a cleaning agent to clean vessels such as burnt pans and polish silver or get out the stains on upholstery. This combination needs your item being cleaned, smelling fresh, and new.

  • Olive Oil

Many natural kitchen cleaning sprays and other natural cleaning sprays tend to use olive oil as a great ingredient. Combining two parts or a boy and one hot lemon juice or vinegar, using this mixture to clean surfaces made of wood and metal can create a beautiful shine on the surface. It also acts as a barrier keeping dust away from these surfaces.

These are the three ingredients that you could stock up in your pantry in order to use on your run-out of natural cleaning sprays or need a little something more than just a cleaning spray.