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We are all feeling tired of being at home because of this Covid- 19 pandemic. But, it seems hard and complicated to get enough and the right amount of sleep. Perhaps it happens due to waking up frequently at night and thinking strange about this current situation and being anxious. These behaviors cause nightmares, screaming, blabbering, and so on.

Is sleep important?

Of course, it is important to get enough sleep to improve both your physical and mental health. Quality sleep also has a part in your immune system and lowers the risk of diabetes, blood pressure, and heart diseases. Considering the current situation, we will give you some tips to get rid of the sleeping problems during this lockdown of covid-19.

1.Schedule your sleep routine

Try to set your goal to go to bed at the same time and awake at the same time in the morning. It is also included on weekends. Avoid taking naps in the middle of the day. After some time this routine became your lifestyle.

2.Limit your News intake

Avoid watching the news and using social media and reports on covid-19 will give nothing but stress and anxiety. Avoid watching the news or social media. a few hours before bed instead of news and social media get some positivity by breezy music and check the news in the morning or middle of the day.

3.Eat well and work out

Firstly, eat well in the daytime and less in the nighttime. Avoid taking caffeine when it becomes dark, instead of caffeine intake some caffeine-free drinks. Caffeine will disrupt your sleep at night.

Do any kind of activity in the morning like exercise, gyming, walking, jogging, yoga. It will reduce your stress and anxiety and you will get better sleep that night

4.Dim your lights before sleep

Make your bedroom darker and warmer before sleep. Lights will disturb your eyes and disrupt your sleep. Avoid using mobile phones before bed, the blue lights from the mobile phone will affect your sleep and your eyes. Try to read some books instead of using a mobile phone.

5.Relax before bed

Having some relaxation before your sleep routine will definitely improve your quality of sleep and you will never regret it. Having a bath before sleep, listening to some soothing music, reading a book, breathing exercises and mindfulness relaxation, and so on.

6.Postpone your worries

Worrying about your future and current situations will surely disturb your sleep and make you anxious about something. Try to postpone the Worries and set time as a worrying hour and allow yourself to worry about whatever is on your mind for an hour. Then, clearly make up your mind full of positivity. so, that you can sleep peacefully at night.



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