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Major organs like the kidneys need proper care and attention as they maintain multiple functions, which work in favor of the human body. Any obstructions in those functions can create a strike of complications that can lead to bad health and life-threatening outcomes like kidney failure or end-stage renal disease.

What is kidney failure?

The perfect definition for kidney failure relies on the abnormal functioning of the kidneys. The kidneys have some functioning parts which help in the execution of the certain process that is prominent for the survival of the human body. The structural and functional units of the kidneys contain two filtering parts that follow the functioning order of filter-Reabsorb and eliminate. The glomerulus is the filter of these bean-shaped organs. Clusters of tiny blood vessels (glomeruli) filter the blood while the tubules in the nephrons reabsorb the essential substances and pass them back into the bloodstream. Any type of hindrance in this functioning order can lead to hampering the overall functioning abilities of the kidneys. Because out of all the duties of the kidneys, blood filtration is the crucial function that needed to be executed with perfection. Poor blood filtration means inviting several complications like high blood pressure, swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet. Unfiltered blood remains with the deposits of waste products and excess fluids that harm the systematic functioning of other organs also.

The kidney loses functioning abilities and leads to the severe stage of kidney failure or ESRD. Kidney failure is also called renal failure. It means that one of the kidneys can not execute the required duties on its own and has reached the stage of malfunction due to 85% lost kidney function.

In some cases of kidney failure experience a sudden loss of kidney function, while other cases experience a gradual loss of kidney function. Both of these factors about kidney failure define the two types of kidney failure. They are as follows:

● Chronic kidney failure: Kidney failure is detected as the last stage of chronic kidney disease. It causes the kidney to lose function over a period of time.

● Acute kidney failure: It is the sudden failure of the kidney without any pre-existing kidney disease.

What are the causes of kidney failure?

The two main causes of kidney diseases that lead the kidney to reach the verge of losing its functionalities are diabetes and high blood pressure. Both of these medical complications are much more widespread than people realize. That is why for the betterment of kidneys, tracking blood pressure and sugar is important.

Moreover, many medical conditions and kidney-harming diseases cause complications for the kidneys to perform their vital functions and they are the building blocks for kidney failure. They are as follows:

● Diabetes.

● High blood pressure.

● Chronic glomerulonephritis.

● Chronic kidney disease.

● Polycystic kidney disease.

● Obstructed urinary tract.

● Kidney infection.

● Lack of blood flow to the kidneys.

● Inflammation of the kidneys due to ration from illegal drugs or overconsumption of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

● Autoimmune diseases such as lupus or Goodp[asture’s syndrome.

● Nephrotic syndrome.

● Heart attack.

All of these have different ways of damaging the kidneys, and they are responsible for causing both types of kidney failures.

They are different, but their motive is the same that is to damage the kidneys and leading them to kidney failure.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

The symptoms may vary on how worse the kidney failure is and what is the cause of its progression. The symptoms of two types of kidney failure are as follows:


The symptoms of acute kidney failure are as follows:

● Swelling in the hands, feet, and face is called edema.

● Internal bleeding.

● Decreased mental state- confusion.

● Seizures

● Coma

● Extreme high blood pressure


The symptoms of acute renal failure are as follows:

● High blood pressure.

● Unjustified weight loss.

● Lack of red blood cells in the body is called anemia.

● Nausea.

● Vomiting.

● Metallic taste in your mouth.

● Lack of appetite.

● Shortness of breath.

● Chest pains.

● Confusion.

● Coma.

● Seizures.

● Easy bruises on the skin.

● Itching.

● Fatigue.

● Headaches.

● Muscle twitches and cramps.

● Weakened bones that crack easily.

● Yellowish or brownish skin color.

● Swelling in the hands, feet, and face.

● Trouble sleeping

How is kidney failure diagnosed?

After the detection of signs and symptoms of kidney failure that are mentioned above, you need proper medical attention. The doctor will write some tests for you to undergo in order to diagnose kidney failure. the tests are as follows:

● Urinalysis: It means analysis of urine. The doctor takes your urine sample and examines for the substances like red blood cells, protein, and bacterias.

● Blood tests: It shows the rate and nature of functioning of the kidneys.

● Advanced Imaging: It detects the abnormalities of the kidneys.

Is ayurvedic treatment effective for kidney failure?

Kidney failure ayurvedic doctor Puneet, is a person behind the mission statement to “STOP KIDNEY DIALYSIS.” His kidney care hospital has a vast history of patient recoveries that accounts for more than 120000 kidney patients.

As we all know that a person with kidney failure is always advised to have dialysis in the world of allopathy. But dr Puneet, ayurvedic doctor, has come up with a treatment plan that works for enhancing your natural healing capabilities to revive kidney function.

The ayurvedic treatment by a Kidney failure ayurvedic doctor focuses on the natural and authentic ways to treat the major kidney condition. Dr. Puneet defies drug-based medications and introduces a wide range of ayurvedic herb-based medications that have proven to be beneficial for repairing the impaired kidney function. The natural healing therapies at Karma Ayurveda improves the mental and physical well-being of the kidney patient.

Therefore, the treatment plan by dr Puneet, an ayurvedic doctor, effectively reduces the progression of the kidney disease and heals the damaged organs by providing changes in the diet and lifestyle of the kidney failure patient.


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