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Southwest Airlines let you disappoint when you in case missed your flight due to some personal reasons. The thing is what you will do when you miss your flight and what is the actual way to come over this situation and find another flight option? This is quite right that Southwest reservations has an official flat tire policy that allows you to get the flight when you miss late and get on the next available flight without an additional charge.

But for that, you need to call within ten minutes before departure but if you fail to do so then under Southwest Airlines' missed flight policy, there will be applied no show policy that makes you lose all remaining value of the ticket.

Let's learn the basic points for missed flight policy on Southwest Airlines.:

 When you miss the flight, you can simply explain the cause of missing your flight and then wait for the next flight.

You don't have to pay any charges for the missed flight but you have to wait for the next flight that is scheduled within 3 to 4 hours.

You are allowed to re-book you on the next flight at no cost and make yourself ready to get on the flight soon.

The check-in agent refers you to gate agents who tend to have more control over standby passengers during check-in


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