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Several years ago I was a senior in college and I  Ultra Soothe Review experienced a sharp pain while walking home where my right leg was connected to my hip. The pain got worse over the next few days, so I made an appointment with a doctor.

He told me that I had piriformis syndrome. The piriformis muscle is a small muscle that connects your leg to your pelvis. It allows you to rotate your leg. In some people, a nerve called the sciatic nerve is laced through the piriformis muscle and when the piriformis is tight or tense, the sciatic nerve can become irritated causing pain similar to what I experienced.

My doctor gave me two easy stretches to do every day to help loosen the piriformis muscle and relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. The first involves sitting on the floor. cross one leg over the other and pull the knee of that leg toward your chest. You should feel this stretch along the base of your leg and into your buttocks. Hold this for a few minutes and then switch legs.

The second stretch is fairly simple. Find a wall and lie down on the floor against the wall with your legs up against the wall in s sort of L shape. Hold this for several minutes while your muscles stretch out. A Morton's neuroma is an inflamed nerve that causes pain, tingling and numbness in the ball of the foot. Many complain of a bunched up sock under the ball of the foot, while others complain of walking on a lump, a large pebble or a lamp cord. Some describe a twang, like a guitar string, in the ball of their foot. The pain can dull in the ball of the foot or can be radiating, electrical, tingling or burning and shoot to the 3rd and 4th toes. The pain is worsened with tight shoes, standing, walking, hills and stairs and generally relieved by rest and removal of shoes.



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