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Some new missions have been added in Fortnite through their weekly challenge aspect. However, there are several players who haven’t accomplish the previous task so far, and thus they are not allowed to unlock the new ones. The 8-Ball vs Scratch Missions is the successor version of Overtime Challenges, which is considered as the last mission of Season 1. Gamers who will complete this mission will get an 8-Ball themed skin in black and gold colour alongside 52,000 XP.

The immense amount of XP will surely favour the players to raise their battle pass level during unlocking of the next tier. Generally, every Fortnite mission comprises of visiting distinctive places or using distinctive weapons. Although Fortnite mission is pretty simple to accomplish, the mission of locating NO Swimming Signs is the one creating intricacy for several players. If you are among those players, then you must read this article attentively to accomplish it successfully.

Find “No Swimming Sign”

It is pretty fortunate for the players because the Fortnite world consists of several places with the signs of no Swimming, and the mission prerequisite is to locate and visit any two. However, all of these are pretty far from each other, so it is merely impossible to accomplish this task in a single game. Gamers need to finish this task in two matches; visit one location in each match. Here is the list of five places with No Swimming Sign alongside their locations.

  • Gamers need to head to the Southeast section of Misty Meadows, and there lies a beach named as Camp Cod where Swimming Sign is being placed. 
  • Gamers need to head to the top of the Hydro 16 dam; it lies in the west region of Slurpy Swamp.
  • Gamers need to head to the middle section of Gorgeous Gorge waterfall; lies in the northeast region of Lazy Lake.
  • Gamers need to head to the above of Gorgeous Gorge waterfall; lies in the northeast section of Lazy Lake.
  • Gamers need to head to the Crashed Cargo beach; lies in the west region of Sweaty Sands.

 After selecting the two best locations, gamers need to take a swim in the prefer slot because they will get rewards for doing this too. Gamers who intend to go on the above of waterfalls need to be cautious about slipping through the edge of the waterfall. Although, the two Waterfall locations are the closest destination from each other rather than other from the list.

It is also a fun of experiencing a jump from the waterfalls, especially when it is in a high-resolution virtual world. Gamers need to be aware of not slipping through the edge, as discussed above, because the mission requires a perfect jump. Besides, gamers can also visit other locations and can calculate the distance between two through the maps.


Once gamers successfully accomplished this task, they will get access to -Ball vs Scratch missions. Besides, if you haven’t completed other missions rather than this one, then please complete them as soon as possible.

The 8-Ball vs Scratch missions will be arriving in the initial week of February, so make sure you complete all the missions before its arrival. In the end, we hope that this article will help you to accomplish your purpose, and if you are new to the virtual world of Fortnite, then you can obtain its experience on PS4, PC, Xbox One, and on Switch.

Elina John is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton security products at norton.com/setup.

Source :- https://1norton.uk.net/how-to-find-location-of-no-swimming-sign-in-fortnite/


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