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Over 80 percent of Americans are allergic to the urushiol oil   Herpes Clear Review   Poison Ivy contains, making this poisonous plant the most common allergy in the U.S. Not everyone is allergic to this plant, 20 percent of people actually do not react to the poisonous oil this plant contains. The urushiol oil in poison ivy is what causes the itchy rash, blisters and other painful side effects. After coming in contact with the three leafed plant, the symptoms can occur within an hour up to a few days days.

Within 10 minutes of coming in contact with the poisonous plant you should act fast, waiting longer then 10 minutes the urushiol oil is more likely to stick to your skin. This urushiol oil is what causes the rash. According to the FDA, within 10 minutes from exposure to poison ivy you should:

Cleanse exposed areas with alcohol.

Wash with water only (by adding soap at this time you can make the condition worse).

Then you can take a shower and use soap (but use something soothing and calming for skin).

Clean everything with gloves, be sure to wipe down anything that came in contact with you.

There are many treatments you can use at anytime to get relief from the poison ivy rash.



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