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Small companies based on a unique brand, product, or invention may need to register to provide more protection. Everything depends on what you create, so a thorough audit of your company and IP should help you to determine what type of protection you need. If necessary, you can obtain assistance from specialized lawyers.

In contrast to a lawyer who is involved only when there is a problem, chartered accountants in London are a constant partner in a company's lifetime. Accountants are critical in preserving and the value of the intellectual property (IP) such as trademarks, patents, registered designs, and copyrights.


You can register the types of IP, and why you may need to register them. Before going forward, you should ensure that they meet the registration criteria:

  • Commercial brands: words, pictures, slogans and more can be protected as trademarks. This can help protect a distinguishing brand. This will assist you in securing a unique brand. Your trademark must be one-of-a-kind and cannot be deceptive or indistinctive. It also can't explain the products or services it's about, so trying to trademark ‘lawnmower' for a new lawnmower isn't going to work. A typical online trademark application would set you back £170.
  • Register Designs: You can register the look of a product you've built as long as it's brand new. Its appearance, physical form, decoration, and arrangement (the way various parts of the design are arranged together) can all be protected. By registering a template, it becomes easier to pursue legal action against someone who infringes on it. One template costs £50 to register.
  • Patents protect more than just the design; they can also protect a new technology, such as a tool or computer, as well as how it functions. A patent can only be obtained if the invention is something that can be manufactured (or used), his novel, and is not merely a modification of something that already exists. Patents are costly, with fees varying depending on the stage of the process. Overall costs are estimated to be more than £2,000, according to some estimates; if you wish to proceed with an application,

Staying on the right side of the law when it comes to intellectual property

Cheap small business accountants serve as the guardians of your intellectual property. When you use someone else's intellectual property without their permission, you're breaking the rules. 

It's a good idea to do some testing to make sure the idea is original before moving forward with creating a product, registering a trademark, or filing for a patent. On Gov.uk, you can search for existing trademarks, designs, and trademarks.

If you're commissioning work (such as having a freelancer design a logo for you), make sure you own the rights to the work as the company owner.

You may also buy or license other people's intellectual property, as well as sell and license your own.


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