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Co-Codamol for sale is a medication that is an amalgamation of codeine and paracetamol. This medication is used to treat pains, aches, muscular pain, toothache, migraines, headaches, and lots more. You can buy it in the form of capsules and tablets.

Can you buy co-codamol over the counter?

Since co-codamol behaves just like paracetamol and low-dose codeine, you can easily buy over-the-counter, but you need to take the doctor's advice in the case of a higher dose. You need to keep yourself away from its prolonged use. Else you will become dependent on it.

How and When To Consume co-codamol medicine?

Since the medicine can be consumed in the form of tablet and capsule form, you can swallow it as a whole with drinking water.

It also comes in soluble tablets that you can even dissolve in water and make ready for consumption.

You can take Co Codamol for Sale with or without food.

What are the side effects of consuming the co-codamol?

Like every medicine, co-codamol has its side effects. There are many people who face minor side effects or no side effects by consuming the problem. There are many people who want to know, can you buy Co Codamol Over the Counter? The most common side effects of the medicine are listed below:

  • Headaches
  • Feeling Sleepy
  • Constipation
  • Feeling or being sick

How to cope with the side effects of the co-codamol?

There are plenty of ways through which you can control the symptoms of its side effects, such as:

Constipation: To solve this problem, you need to include more fiber in your diet, like fresh fruits, cereals, and vegetables. Try to drink more and more glasses of water and try to keep yourself away from any alcohol. If it does not show you the effective result, you can sure do a little bit of exercise.

Nausea or Vomiting: To solve this nausea or vomiting problem, you need to consume co-codamol with or even just after your meals or snacks. You can even have frequent sips of water if you are feeling too sick. Your sickness problem could be solved in just a few days. You can even talk to your doctor and ask them if they can prescribe you anti-sickness medicine.

Feeling tired or sleepy: In such cases, avoid driving, or using cycles, or using tools or other machinery if you are feeling this way. Avoid drinking alcohol as it would make you feel more tired.

Headache: In such cases, you need to include plenty of fluids in your diet. Avoid drinking too much alcohol. You can even talk to your doctor if your headache persists for more than a week or gets severe day by day.

Is it OK to consume co-codamol if you are pregnant?

It is not recommended to consume co-codamol for sale if you are pregnant. This medicine can create problems for unborn babies. The baby might get a breathing problem and may face a withdrawal symptom after its birth.

Co-codamol is a medicine often used to treat certain types of pains like toothache, migraine, muscular pain, and lots more. Therefore, just because of its effectiveness, can you buy co codamol over the counter is a common question for a few.


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