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Where before it was optional, remote work has become a necessity now. The reason behind this monumental lifestyle change is the rise of COVID-19 in the U.S., which has made even the most basic human contact hazardous. People all over the states maintain absolute social distance, and stay at their homes to “save lives.”

In this frenzy, it is impossible to work from home without losing an ounce of productivity in the process, and productivity is vital for a business’s success. The situation is indisputably bad as it is, but in Maine, the pandemic anxiety goes on another level and makes it difficult for some Mainers to adjust to their new remote work circumstances.

If you live in Maine, where the fever runs high, then this post will help you with a few tips you can easily use to stay focused, productive, and connected to work while at home. Check them out below.

Schedule Creativity Sessions

Divert your attention back to the fun and light aspects of your work by participating in weekly internal creativity sessions, designed to boost morale and encourage idea generation for the foreseeable future. Have an openhearted talk with your colleagues during video calls and find strength in a collective relatability. They’re in the same predicament as you are, and may have a better grip on the situation. Working from home in Maine does not mean that you are working alone. Reassure yourself and move forward.

Get a Workable Connection

In order to stay connected with your Maine colleagues and the rest of the world, you would need to have a good, strong network, to support all those Zoom meetings, Facebook Live and Microsoft Teams collaborations, etc. Spectrum Maine is a popular option for a cable-based residential internet, TV, and phone. You can subscribe to the provider online too, and set up the services in a matter of hours. Once you’re backed by powerful network speeds, you can have as many virtual chats as you want. Because nothing is more depressing during these remote working times than feeble network that breaks your connection and adds to your anxiety.

Set a Task Timer

When you are working from home, it is easy to get distracted by a hundred other things happening around you – the local Maine news booming on the TV, your kids rampaging about and the grocery list taped to the fridge, etc. Experts suggest using the Pomodoro method to boost remote work productivity. In simple terms, pick one task (easy or hard, based on your personal preference), set a timer for 20 – 25 minutes, and jump into it, while blocking everything around you. Don’t think about checking your phone, getting snacks, or sending a meme. Just do the task with absolute focus, and give yourself a reward once completed. Similarly, after a break, pick up another task and execute it with this method. Don’t multitask or you might lose focus. You’ll be surprised at your own rate of productivity.

Take a Virtual Tour

It is natural to feel a sense of confinement while working from home. Such a feeling can introduce bitterness into your behavior and numb your mindset. Apathy can directly affect your work performance, and make you less productive. So, how can you dissipate this feeling? By acknowledging it, at first, and then undertaking some measures to treat it. One of the ways you can lighten up your mood and refresh your mind is by taking a virtual tour of the famous landmarks you really miss in Maine.

Maine State Archives will take you on a journey to the State House, the cobblestone streets of Portland, the Penobscot Narrows Bridge, and even on an e-cruise along the rocky shores of Mount Desert Island. And all – from the comfort and safety of your home. You’d need a smartphone, laptop, or a VR handset to enjoy a virtual tour around the state your love in 4K HD quality!

In Conclusion

By following the aforementioned tips, you can maintain your work productivity while staying at your Maine residence.


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