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PURE Contouring

Liposuction surgery means suctioning out of fat. Since the introduction of liposuction surgery, it has undergone tremendous evolution from the use of traditional suction assisted liposuction to the use of PAL (Power assisted liposuction), UAL (Ultrasound assisted liposuction), LAL (Laser assisted liposuction), RFAL (Radiofrequency assisted liposuction) and many more. Each of these technologies have their own advantages and combining them adds manifold to the results achieved in liposuction surgery.  Hence, Dr Priya Bansal, at RG Aesthetics, has adopted the PURE contouring technique for all her liposuction surgeries.

This technique has been indigenously designed by the RG Aesthetics team using three technologies:

  • Power assisted liposuction using MicroAire
  • Ultrasound assisted liposuction using VASER
  • Radiofrequency Enhanced contouring using BodyTite

Steps of liposuction surgery –

Step 1: Emulsifying fluid is infiltrated into the fatty tissue using a basket cannula attached to a power assisted device connected to a power pump. Because of the vibrations from this device, the fluid is evenly distributed in all planes of fat resulting in improved vasoconstriction leading to less blood loss. Also the movements cause simultaneous fat emulsification and separation.

Step 2: Fat is further emulsified using Ultrasound assisted device. Since VASER is fat selective, it does not traumatise the surrounding vital structures like blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves. This leads to decreased pain and faster recovery time for the patient. Also, the heat generation from the ultrasonic waves causes heating of the dermis which leads to collagen remodelling and thus helps in contraction and tightening of skin.

liposuction surgery in gurgaon

Step 3: Emulsified fat is now further separated and simultaneously suctioned using the power assisted MicroAire device attached to a suction apparatus. The vibrations from the device, eases the separation of fat with less tissue trauma and less surgeon fatigue.  The wide bore basket cannula also assists in easy separation and suction of the fat.

Step 4: The entire suctioned area is smoothened with the help of to and fro movements of the MicroAire device to cause fat equalisation. Surface irregularities and contour deformities are the most common complications associated with liposuction surgery. But with this step, such deformities and complications are avoided.

Step 5: The final step of liposuction surgery by this method, involves the use of RF based device. After liposuction surgery, there is some skin sagging which happens because of the empty space created after liposuction. The radiofrequency energy from this device heats the skin from inside leading to stimulation and remodelling of dermal collagen. This results in skin tightening to a considerable degree in suitable patients.

 So, with PURE contouring Dr Priya Bansal, plastic surgeon in Gurgaon, is able to achieve not only removal of excess fat, but also tightening of lax skin in her liposuction surgery patients. And all of these benefits are achieved with minimal tissue trauma and lesser downtime and recovery period and minimal scars leading to greater results and patient satisfaction.


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