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Continuing on from part one, dealing with the emotional Nerve Align Review   effects of chronic pain can be particularly hard. I know for myself it was like I was in a cloud and seeing anything positive in life was restricted by this ‘cloud'. Only when I found out how to break through did I start seeing some changes in the way I looked at things.

Another useful tip for keeping your sanity is to try and replace the negative thoughts you have about the whole situation with positive ones. I felt there was not a lot of positives about losing a business which was a life goal for me, an income, being constantly tired because of the pain medication and generally feeling like life was pretty unfair.

But out of all of this has come the chance to be a stay at home dad and the chance to start another business from home that doesn't take me away from my family for twelve hours or more a day like the previous business did. There are many more positives that I could list but I'm sure that you get the idea.



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