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Unilocker has joined the Polygon network with its liquidity lock platform. With this, the Unilocker liquidity locker is compatible with all three major blockchain networks: Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain.

The Unilocker platform is renowned for having the best user interface among liquidity lockers. While there are numerous liquidity lockers, the experience of project developers is, to put it mildly, frustrating. They receive no instructions on how to select a lock term or a lock amount. This results in errors, delays, and dissatisfaction. The Unilocker – introduced one-click buttons and sliders for liquidity locking – the first platform to do so. And these elements were added not only to the lock functionality but also to the management capabilities – which other systems miss. These capabilities, such as the ability to prolong the lock time or remove the lock, are vital – but frequently turn into a nightmare due to crappy interfaces – as your LP tokens are already locked in with a platform.

Unilocker lock certificates have consistently been voted the most attractive and are quite popular with investors. In addition to having some of the best features available, it is also one of the most cost-effective liquidity lockers.

Unilocker is now available for Polygon and can be used to lock liquidity on Quickswap DEX.  Unilocker's launch on Polygon is expected to greatly increase the number of new tokens launched on the Polygon network, which has been slowly gaining popularity even as the main Ethereum network struggles with high costs and slow speeds.


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