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Leverage is the Power to Act Effectively. DoingMetabolicStretching Review MORE with LESS. Body Leverage is about using leverage to redesign your body.I'd been unsuccessfully trying to sculpt my body for years. For 13 long years I had been looking for the missing piece of the jigsaw by testing various strategies. My persistence finally paid off in 2012, when through a combination of methods I finally found the perfect SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE strategy. It was a game changer and life enhancer for me – and that's why I'm sharing it with you here and now!

This journey of discovery was long and winding – a nugget of information here, a diamond of data there. I did the hard work so that you don't have to. I don't make a living working on my body all day long, and I guess you don't either. I want to understand enough to know what I'm doing and achieve great results, and to focus and perfect each area of my life. Time is a precious commodity.

I am a full-time entrepreneur, I do charity work on a daily basis for an animal shelter, I want and need to be healthy, productive and strong for myself, stunning for my man, and in shape for my dog who loves running. I've been vegetarian for 14 years and vegan for over a year, and I wanted to prove to myself that I could build muscles without eating meat. I'm also lactose and gluten intolerant.

With all this on my plate I honestly don't have the time or desire to spend 2 hours a day in a gym. It's time consuming, expensive and for many people there deodorant is only a rumor. And for many it's just a place to show off rather than focusing on real results. I prefer fresh air and to concentrate on a proper mind-muscle workout at home / hotel room or anyplace.



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