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Which is the Best Cleaning Company in Cambridge?

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Are you looking for some cleaning company in Cambridge or a cleaning company in Ely? Do not worry Malco is here with the expertised solution for cleaning or your commercial area. We provide our clients with a huge number of services. We provide cleaning services in Ely, Newmarket, Huntingdon,  Haverhill, Royston, Saffron Walden and St Neots.

For commercial cleaning we have:

Office cleaning – We provide Office Cleaning Cambridge  to keep your office as clean as your business. It adds a shine to your business and also keeps your employees safe and healthy.

School cleaning – As the school concentrates on kids so it is very important to have a cleaning of the school from time to time to avoid any sort of hazards and infection. A clean environment brings peace and helps in mental development of the students.

Factory cleaning – The most rough place that always needs grooming is a factory. No matter how much you clean it everyday you will need to have some expertised cleaning solutions for your factory with periodic intervals to keep it clean.

Health centre cleaning – If you run a health centre you will absolutely know the reasons why you should have a cleaning service. A proper cleaned and hygiene place will help the patients to have a better recovery.

There are also cleaning solutions for kitchens, gyms and day nursery. Malco provides you with workers who can clean your windows, doors, tenancy cleaning, deep cleaning and carpet cleaning Cambridge


If you own any commercial place and you are looking for cleaning companies in Cambridge, then Malco have experienced workers for you to help you out. In this pandemic we are also providing with covid safety cleaning. To get your quote for the cleaning you can call us or mail us. We will reach you!


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