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Piles is another term for haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoids are basically the collections of inflamed tissue in the anal canal. They usually have blood vessels, muscles. elastic fibers.

Various facts on piles are below:

  • Piles are collections of veins and certain tissues that become swollen and inflamed.
  • The size of piles are not fixed and it can vary
  • piles are found inside or outside the anus.
  • The major reason of piles is chronic constipation, lifting heavy weights for a long time, pregnency, chronic diarrhoea.
  • Piles are diagnosed after examination by a doctor.
  • Piles evaluated on a scale from I to IV.

This blog will help you to understand various aspects related to piles, their causes, symptoms and treatment available for them.

What do you understand by piles?

Piles are basically swollen veins in your anus and area around the lower spectrum. It can also develop inside the rectum or under the skin near the anus.

Piles are inflamed and enlarged collections of tissue in the anal region.

They can have a scope of sizes, and they might be internal or external.

Internal piles are ordinarily situated somewhere between 2 and 4 centimetres (cm) over the opening of the anus. Internal piles are considered to be the most common type. Whereas external piles are located on the outer edge of the anus.

In certain cases, the indications of piles are not genuine.

A person with piles might encounter the accompanying indications:

  • A hard, conceivably painful lump a be felt near the anus might be looked about the rear-end. It might contain coagulated blood. Piles that carries blood are called thrombosed external haemorrhoids.
  • Subsequent to passing a stool, an individual with piles might encounter the inclination that the bowels are still full.
  • Dazzling red blood is visible after a stool discharge.
  • The area near the anus becomes itchy, red, and sore.
  • Pain during the passing of a stool.

Piles can grow into a more serious condition. This can include:

Excessive anal bleeding can lead to anaemia.


Piles are grouped into four grades:

Grade I: There are little irritations, generally inside the covering of the anus. They are not noticeable.

Grade II: Grade II piles are bigger than grade I pile, yet in addition stay inside the anus. They might get pushed out during the passing of stool, however, they will return unaided.

Grade III: These are called prolapsed haemorrhoids, and appears outside the anus. The individual might feel them hanging from the rectum, however, they can be easily re-embedded.

Grade IV: These types of piles are the most dangerous and need treatment. They are enormous and stay outside of the anus.

External piles structure small lumps on the outer edge of the anus. They are exceptionally itchy and can become difficult if a blood clot develops, as the blood clot can obstruct the progression of blood. This type of pile requires immediate treatment.

Causes of piles

Piles are brought by increased pressure in the lower rectum.

The veins around the anus and in the rectum will extend under tension and may enlarge or swell, forming piles. This might be because of:

  • persistent constipation
  • persistent diarrhoea
  • Heavy Weightlifting exercises
  • pregnancy
  • stressing when passing a stool

The tendency to create piles may likewise be inherited.

When to see a doctor?

If you face bleeding during bowel movements or you have been suffering from piles that don’t improve after a week then consult with your doctor.

If you are facing large amounts of rectal bleeding, or faintness then seek emergency care.

What is the treatment available for piles?

In the maximum number of cases, piles get cured on their own without any need for treatment. However, a few medicines can help essentially reduce the issue and itching that many individuals experience with piles.

Lifestyle changes

A doctor wil recommend some lifestyle changes to manage piles.

Dietary modification

One of the significant reasons for piles is straining during bowel movements. Unreasonable straining is the result of constipation. An adjustment of diet can assist with keeping the stools standard and delicate. This includes eating more fibre, like foods grown from the ground or primarily having bran based breakfast cereals.

A specialist may likewise encourage the individual with piles to increase their water intake and to stay away from caffeine.

Bodyweight: Losing weight might assist with decreasing the rate and seriousness of piles.

To fight against piles, specialists also advise exercising and trying not to strain to pass stools. Exercising is the most suitable treatment for piles.

Medications for Piles

A few restorative alternatives are accessible to make side effects more manageable for a person with piles.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications: These are approachable over-the-counter or online. Medications consist of painkillers, creams, and pads, and can assist with calming redness and swelling around the anus.

OTC cures don't fix piles, however, can help the indications. Try not to use them for more than 7 days straight, as they can cause further irritations. Do not utilize two drugs simultaneously except if encouraged to by a clinical expert.

Corticosteroids: These can diminish inflammation and pain.

Laxatives: The specialist might recommend laxatives if an individual with piles experiences constipation. These can help the individual pass stools more effectively and decrease tension in the lower colon.

The perfect way to prevent piles is to keep your stools soft so that they can pass easily without any strain. Below are the tips to prevent and reduce symptoms of piles:

Always eat high fiber foods: Eating fibre-rich foods softens the stool and increases its bulk which ultimately helps you avoid the straining which causes piles.

Drink lots of fluids: Drinking plenty of fluids keeps the stool soft. Drink at least seven to eight glasses of water daily.

Don't strain: Holding breath or straining creates great pressure in the veins when you try to pass a stool.

Stop sitting for long periods: Sitting for a longer period especially in the toilet can increase the pressure on the veins in the anus.

What is the ointment for Piles in Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic medicines consist of natural herbs and therapies that work directly on the root cause of the piles.

Ayurvedic ointment for piles is however time-consuming but it gives a permanent solution to the problem. The allopathic treatment gives a temporary cure as the problem may arise again even after proper surgery also. We have ayurvedic piles clinic where the disease is cured properly under the guidance of experts.


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