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Why is LASIK a more reliable option than using glasses or contact lenses?

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People often find themselves struggling to find things or while reading if they're not wearing their glasses. Often people need glasses to find their glasses or need to manage some extra time in the early morning to put in the contact lenses. To get rid of all this, you can consider a LASIK surgery. All you have to do is visit a Vision Correction Center near you, get some advice, and then go for it. The question people often ask is, is a LASIK surgery reliable? Below are some of the points that make LASIK a better option than managing your glasses or contact lenses:

The procedure is simple and effective

Introduced to the world about two decades ago, LASIK Vision Correction Surgery is now chosen by many individuals who are suffering from sight problems like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The surgery takes only 15-20 minutes to complete and the patient needs around 3-6 months to fully recover. The procedure of LASIK was approved around the late 1990s by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which is now trusted by several doctors.

Quick results

People that underwent Lasik Surgery Arizona can notice the improvement in their vision just after thirty or sixty minutes of the surgery. Some of the people also have claimed that it took lesser time than that to observe the improvement in their vision. After the surgery is completed, it is not always that the patient will have a 20/20 but an improvement is always there.

It is safe

The experienced surgeons understand the fact better that every eye is different from the other so they treat them accordingly. Before performing the surgery, the eyes of the patients are examined properly, if any signs of dry eyes, infections, or any other issue is observed, it is advised that the patient must get rid of this issue first. Only the advanced laser technology is used by the surgeons that help them to operate without blades so that it can be less painful and allows that patient to recover quickly.

What about old age?

Generally, LASIK does not have an expiry date, and the individuals who undergo this surgery are often satisfied with the results. Some of the patients often need a second LASIK procedure to refine their corrected vision after a long time when it was corrected. It causes no harm to the eye and the whole process is repeated without any complications. You can get rid of your glasses and contact lenses permanently and can save a lot of money spent on their maintenance.

If you've decided to live a glasses or lenses-free life, Arizonalasik.com can solve your problem. The doctors Dr. Moretsky and Dr. Cassidy have practiced together for over 35 years and have performed over 10,000 LASIK procedures in their Vision Correction Center in Arizona. The surgery performed by them is 100% bladeless and causes little to no pain. Visit the website for more information.


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