1. Venture Capital

Corporate Tax Updates of 2023 by a Tax Accountant in Mississauga

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Is your business ready for tax season? As a corporate taxpayer, you are legally obligated to pay correct taxes on time. The challenge is keeping up with the best practices and the newest tax developments while optimizing your tax savings. The good news is that you don't have to navigate this process on your own.  A seasoned tax accountant in Mississauga can walk you through the latest corporate tax updates to maximize your tax benefits and ensure your compliance.


Canada’s tax system changes to keep up with taxpayer requirements, so your business needs to stay informed and be ready for any updates. Keep reading to know some of the latest changes in corporate taxes that can impact your business this year.


Proposed Mandatory Disclosure Rules for specific transactions

New Mandatory Disclosure Rules may apply to certain tax transactions soon, with approval from the Royal Assent. As per these rules, all taxpayers and advisors must report certain transactions for tax benefits as long as the transaction fulfills one or more of these conditions:


  • The transaction involves a premium fee arrangement
  • The transaction is part of a confidentiality agreement
  • The transaction has a standardized structure or documentation.


Your tax accountant in Mississauga can help determine whether certain transactions are reportable.


New deduction cut-off for small businesses

Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPC) used to be subject to a reduced small business deduction if their total taxable capital in Canada ranged from CA$10 to CA$15 million. But when the Royal Assent approved Bill C-32 on December 15, 2022, the upper limit taxable capital increased from $15 million to $50 million on or after April 7, 2022. So if you’re a CCPC with a taxable income of $50 million, the small business deduction may apply to you and your associates.


Critical Mineral Exploration Tax Credit

The CMETC is a recently introduced investment tax credit of 30% specifically aimed at supporting the exploration of designated minerals. It only applies to costs declared under qualifying flow-through share agreements, and these agreements must have been made after April 7, 2022, and prior to April 1, 2027.


Proposed changes to EIFEL rules

In February and November 2022, the Department of Finance proposed updates to EIFEL rules targeting excessive interest and financing expenses claimed by taxpayers, specifically in multinational and cross-border scenarios. The goal is to address concerns and limit these deductions.


The newly proposed rules apply to corporations or trusts that qualify as taxpayers and in calculating taxable income earned in Canada by non-resident taxpayers. Additionally, the rules indirectly impact partnerships, as interest and financing expenses and revenues are allocated to members who are corporations or trusts based on their respective interests in the partnership.


Is your business up to date?

Avoid any confusion and stay updated with the latest tax rules by hiring a tax accountant in Mississauga. Connect with the professional corporate accountants at G&P Accounting Services today to ensure your compliance.