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Owning a home gives you the opportunity to decorate your space with stunning art, textiles, furniture, colors, and patterns. Make your luxury home stand out with these statement-making trends.



The market is trending high with earth-friendly products and ethical production practices. Create your home design with sustainable furniture, paint, floors, artwork, and more to show your support for keeping a healthy world. 


Natural Lighting

With sustainability comes all things natural, starting with light. Make your space bright with natural sunlight by keeping the window areas clear and open or using sheer shades during the day. The sun will provide light and warmth to help with energy costs. The rays of sunlight that come through windows give a unique look to any room.



Bring some green to your area with indoor plants and flower arrangements. Plants help give your room a welcoming feel and they filter the air for a cleaner space. Place floral arrangements in handcrafted vases to complement your room’s design and color scheme while providing a calm energy to the room. 


Game Room

A game room or club room can increase the luxury feeling of your home. Creating a space to host friends and family for a night of games and fun is a growing trend. Pool and ping pong tables, elegant board game storage, or maybe even a PlayStation or Xbox set can make the space inviting for an enjoyable evening. 



Decorate your room with cozy, luxury furniture to relax in for years. Make your room’s furniture the centerpiece of the space and make sure it works with your greater design scheme. Couches, benches, ottomans, and club chairs are excellent choices for any room as long as the size makes sense for the space. If you have more room to work with, you can afford to choose larger furniture pieces. Adding a decorative throw blanket or pillow to your furniture can further elevate your luxury style.


Quiet Nook 

With many people staying home more often with the uptick in remote work, finding quiet spaces in the house is more important than ever. Create an elevated nook area in your home to allow privacy and personal time away from life’s demands. Design your room with a velvet chair and soft light with accenting artwork that brings your space a sense of peace and tranquility. You will love sitting and relaxing in the quiet space while appreciating a sophisticated nook in your luxury home. 


Natural Designs

The desire for natural-looking wood and marble products in home design is on the rise and taking over the industry. Create inspiring designs with marble countertops with patterns of grey, white, and light brown blends. Wooden cabinetry and flooring pair well with the marble counters and bring a wholistic design to your kitchen, bathroom, and bar areas. Earth-like textures and patterns are engaging to gaze upon and enjoy the beautiful abstract components of nature.


Art Centerpieces

A sustainable artwork piece that brings together all the room’s pieces is big in the luxury market. Choose your favorite painting, sculpture, or print and design the room’s elements around it. For example, if you choose a floral image, add colors of that painting to the room and other figurines, art, and furniture that exhibit the floral theme. Matching the accenting details of your room to the artwork is an excellent way to start conversations and intrigue guests.


Bold and Calm Colors

Take your color palette to the next level with a combination of bold and calm colors. Make your room stand out with a particularly bold color that accents a calm color. For instance, pair light green with bold red hues or an earthy grey with bright yellow to bring a delicate contrast to your room while blending natural tones. Abstract artwork or furniture fabric that combines these color blends adds a modern element to the room. 


Handcrafted Designs

Handcrafted works of art are speaking volumes in home decor. There is great value in knowing someone took the time to create your piece of art so there will be a story to go with the item. Find stunning hand-made designs in hand-woven textiles, pottery, artisanal lamps, and tabletop games to adorn your room’s style.


TV Cabinet

Make your luxury home design pop when you hide your TVs in customized cabinets. Gone are the days of letting a black screen take over the beauty of your game or living room. Bring an elegant design with handcrafted cabinets that precisely fit your TV platforms. Cabinets can come in all shapes, sizes, and designs to elevate your rooms and match your design themes.


Search Luxury Designs

Finding your favorite home decor trends is all about what you will enjoy. Choose your favorite colors or centerpiece and work from there to design around it. While you choose natural and bold hues, sustainable art, sun and ambient lighting, and comfortable furniture, each aspect is creating your luxury dream home. Start shopping for home decor today! 


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