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Nowadays, many users are looking for an efficient way to migrate the Exchange Server files to Microsoft 365. Microsoft Microsoft 365 is cloud-based software as a service. It comes with lots of user-centric features, which other email clients can't even think, and it comes with lots of cloud-based software as a service such as Skype for business, Exchanger Server, and SharePoint, Office365 has much more attractive offers and feature for business organizations. It has something for every business organization.

Why do Exchange to Microsoft 365 Migration?

Everywhere access: Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based service, and users can access it from everywhere at any time in the presence of the internet. It has a collaboration feature, which is suitable for the modern environment.

Cost-efficient: Microsoft 365 is a subscription-based service. In-Microsoft 365 users only have to pay for what they use don't have to maintain anything that makes it cost-efficient as compare to Live Exchange Server. Offers multiple plans and users can choose according to their need.

Auto Update: The main reason for migration from Live Exchange to Microsoft 365 is it has an auto-update facility. The user doesn't have to go through the downtime server to update Microsoft 365, as it always stays updated.

Communication platform: Office 265 allows users to communicate with the team members, organization groups, and colleagues. It offers cloud-based software such as Skype for business, SharePoint.

How to do Exchange to Microsoft 365 Migration

The users can migrate from Live Exchange to Microsoft 365 by three manual methods Hybrid deployment, PST import, And Cutover Migration. The doer can do the task by using manual methods, but as we all know manual methods are complex and time-consuming. Moreover, users must sound technical and have a technical setup to migrate by using the manual methods, and a little misstep can lose all your important Live Exchange data.

Due to the loopholes, limitations, and risk of data loss, it is suggested to users to use a professional third party tool for hassle-free and secure conversion. Shoviv Exchange migration Tool is one of the most secure and recommended tools for Exchange to Microsoft 365 migration.

Shoviv Exchange Migration Tool

Exchange Migration Tool is the most efficient and secured tool for the migration of the Exchange server to Microsoft 365. It allows instant migration of Exchange server to Microsoft 365, Outlook PST, and Live Exchange on-premises. It has many user-centric features.

  • It has no bar on the size and adding many files. The user can add oversized files and many files in a single go.
  • It expertly maintains the data integrity and folder hierarchy of the file structure and doesn't make any alteration in the original data.
  • To make the working process easy, this tool has a search option based on From, To, Subject, Cc, Bcc, et cetera.

 To get assured about the software, Shoviv software provides a free trial version of the software. It is recommended to use the free trial before purchasing a licensed version.

Source: https://www.shoviv.com/pages/migrate-exchange-to-office365.html