1. Health

How is Yoga Beneficial for Weight Loss?

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If you are not satisfied with your weight or overall health, you generally have two options:you can sulk around all day, or you can make a change. The first step to making a change is often the hardest, but once you start, it becomes easier and more enjoyable. One option that has been gaining popularity lately is yoga.


Although yoga may not seem like the most strenuous of activities, yoga can actually help burn calories and promote weight loss. Here are some benefits that make yoga for weight loss effective:


  1. Increase your metabolism

If you’re like most people, then food is probably one of your guilty pleasures. When you're stressed, happy, or just bored, food can be there for you like a best friend. The problem is that it can help you gain weight if you're not careful.


Practising mindfulness through yoga can help you become more aware of your eating habits and make better choices. In addition, the increased focus on breathing control can help to boost your metabolism.


  1. Manage stress


As we all know, stress can lead to overeating, lack of sleep, not having the energy or motivation to exercise, and can even cause weight gain. When you're stressed, your body produces the hormone cortisol, which can lead to cravings for sugary and fatty foods.


Breathwork and meditation are the focus of yoga. Both help to increase energy, improve mood, and reduce stress. Deep breathing aids in the reduction of stress as well as some of its undesirable consequences, making weight loss more difficult or contributing to weight gain.


  1. Toned muscles

Contrary to popular belief, you don't always have to lift weights to tone your muscles. In yoga, the body's own weight serves as resistance. Your whole body concentrates on keeping you balanced, so it gets a workout. Not only does this lead to better posture, but it also helps to build lean muscle mass.


The benefits of yoga for weight losshave been proven so many times that it's hard to ignore. When done right, yoga can help you lose weight, get in shape, and improve your overall health. So, what are you waiting for? Get on your mat and start practising!


About the Author:

Yownn Yoga is a yoga and wellness company for career women. Working women have a lot on their plate and don’t often have time for self-care, leading to stress. Yownn Yoga aims to bring convenience to career-oriented women’s wellness by meeting them exactly where they are, whether in person or online and whatever their fitness level. We offer in-person yoga classes & online yoga classes for beginners and intermediate practitioners, and private classes.