1. Digital Marketing

How to Structure URLs for Better SEO

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Structuring URLs properly is a crucial aspect of on-page SEO. Well-structured URLs can improve search engine rankings, enhance user experience, and make it easier for search engines to crawl your site. Here’s how to create SEO-friendly URLs. Albert Valiakhmetov provides more details in his article: https://flyxmarketing.com/tpost/978bdeanj1-seo-the-key-to-unlocking-your-websites-p

1. Keep URLs Short and Descriptive


Short and descriptive URLs are easier for users to read and understand. They also tend to perform better in search engine rankings.

Best Practices

  • Limit Length: Aim for URLs that are concise yet descriptive. Avoid unnecessary words and characters.
  • Focus on Key Terms: Include the main keywords that describe the content of the page.


  • Good: www.example.com/seo-tips
  • Bad: www.example.com/123456789

2. Use Keywords Wisely


Including relevant keywords in your URL helps search engines understand the content of the page and improves its chances of ranking for those terms.

Best Practices

  • Primary Keywords: Use primary keywords that best describe the content.
  • Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Don’t overuse keywords in an attempt to manipulate rankings. It can lead to penalties.


  • Good: www.example.com/buy-running-shoes
  • Bad: www.example.com/buy-cheap-discount-running-shoes-online

3. Use Hyphens to Separate Words


Hyphens make URLs more readable for both users and search engines.

Best Practices

  • Avoid Underscores: Use hyphens () instead of underscores (_), as search engines interpret hyphens as spaces but may not recognize underscores as word separators.


  • Good: www.example.com/running-shoes
  • Bad: www.example.com/running_shoes

4. Use Lowercase Letters


URLs are case-sensitive. Consistently using lowercase letters prevents potential issues with duplicate content.

Best Practices

  • Avoid Capital Letters: Stick to lowercase letters for simplicity and consistency.


  • Good: www.example.com/running-shoes
  • Bad: www.example.com/Running-Shoes

5. Create a Logical Hierarchy


A logical and organized URL structure helps search engines understand the relationship between different pages and content.

Best Practices

  • Nested Structure: Use a hierarchical structure that reflects the organization of your site.


  • Good: www.example.com/shoes/running
  • Bad: www.example.com/running-shoes-in-category

6. Avoid Stop Words


Stop words like “and,” “or,” “but,” and “the” can make URLs unnecessarily long without adding value.

Best Practices

  • Conciseness: Remove stop words to keep URLs concise and focused.


  • Good: www.example.com/buy-running-shoes
  • Bad: www.example.com/buy-the-best-running-shoes

7. Implement HTTPS


HTTPS is a ranking signal for Google and ensures a secure connection, which is important for user trust and SEO.

Best Practices

  • Secure URLs: Ensure your entire site uses HTTPS.


  • Good: https://www.example.com
  • Bad: http://www.example.com

8. Avoid Dynamic Parameters When Possible


Static URLs are easier to read and understand compared to dynamic URLs, which often contain multiple parameters.

Best Practices

  • Clean URLs: Rewrite dynamic URLs to static ones whenever possible.


  • Good: www.example.com/running-shoes
  • Bad: www.example.com/category.php?id=123&product=456

9. Use Canonical Tags for Duplicate Content


Canonical tags help prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the “canonical” or preferred version of a webpage.

Best Practices

  • Canonical URLs: Implement canonical tags on pages with similar or duplicate content.


  • <link rel=”canonical” href=”https://www.example.com/original-page”>

10. Maintain Consistency


Consistent URL structures make it easier to manage and optimize your site over time.

Best Practices

  • Uniform Approach: Develop and adhere to a consistent URL structure strategy across your entire site.


  • Good: www.example.com/category/product
  • Bad: www.example.com/product-category


A well-structured URL is an essential component of effective SEO. By keeping URLs short, descriptive, and keyword-rich, using hyphens, avoiding unnecessary words, and maintaining a logical hierarchy, you can improve your site’s search engine rankings and enhance user experience. Regularly review and update your URLs to ensure they continue to align with best practices and SEO goals.