1. Space

Small Satellite : Possible To Conduct Scientific Investigations And Technological Demonstrations

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Small satellites are low-cost alternatives that have allowed commercial enterprises, non-profit groups, and educational institutions to conduct missions in low-Earth orbit. These Small Satellite make it possible to conduct a variety of scientific investigations and technological demonstrations in orbit at a low cost, in a timely manner, and with relative ease. Smaller and lighter satellites require smaller and less expensive launch vehicles, and multiple satellite launches are often possible. They can also be deployed ‘piggyback' on larger launch vehicles to take advantage of additional launch vehicle capacity. Miniaturized satellites enable for more cost-effective designs and mass manufacture.

CubeSat-built miniature satellites conserve a lot of resources. The popularity of Small Satellite has increased significantly since they were first developed as a result of the reduction of barriers to entering and exploring space. A small satellite may also be manufactured and sent into orbit for less money than a regular satellite mission, depending on the objectives. The main benefit of small satellites, aside from their benefits in terms of weight and size, is the speed with which they may be developed. A CubeSat may recognise a need and put itself in the desired orbit in less than 8 months, whereas a typical or huge satellite takes 5 to 15 years to design and install in orbit.

Read More @ https://gloriousfreshcontentblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/small-satellite-assist-nasa-develop.html