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Time to Brush Up on Your French Verb Tenses – Try Our Futur Proche Quiz Now

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Bonjour, mes amis! Are you ready to put your French verb tenses to the test? If you're feeling a bit rusty or just want to brush up on one of the more commonly used tenses, then our Futur Proche Quiz is just what you need. This tense is perfect for talking about future plans and making predictions – two things we all love to do. So grab your croissant, sip on some café au lait, and let's get started!

Introduction to French Verbs

French verbs can be tricky to conjugate, but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad. The futur proche is a great tense to start with because it's used often and it's not too complicated. To conjugate a regular verb in the futur proche, you just need to know the stem of the verb (the part that doesn't change when conjugated) and add the appropriate ending. For example, the stem of regular -er verbs is just the verb without the -er ending, so for these verbs, you would add -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, or -ont to the stem to get the correct conjugation. To help you practice, we've created a quiz with some common French verbs in the futur proche tense. Give it a try and see how well you do!

What is Futur Proche?

The Futur Proche is a French verb tense that is used to describe future events that are going to happen soon. This tense is formed by using the present tense conjugation of the verb aller (to go) + the infinitive of the second verb. For example, the sentence “Je vais manger” in the Futur Proche would mean “I am going to eat.”

This tense is often used in conjunction with other tenses to express different aspects of the future event. For example, if you wanted to say “I will be eating at 6pm,” you would use the Futur Proche plus the Present Progressive tense: “Je vais être en train de manger à 18h.”

The Benefits of Learning Futur Proche

If you're looking to brush up on your French verb tenses, the futur proche is a great place to start. The futur proche is a construction that combines the present tense of the verb aller (to go) with an infinitive verb, and it can be used to express future plans or actions.

There are many benefits to learning the futur proche. For one, it's a relatively simple construction that doesn't require conjugating any verbs in the future tense. Additionally, using the futur proche can help you sound more like a native French speaker, as it's a common way to talk about future plans in everyday conversation.

So what are you waiting for? Test your knowledge of the futur proche with our quiz below. Bonne chance!

How to Form the Futur Proche Tense

The futur proche is one of the most commonly used French verb tenses, and it’s easy to see why. It’s used to talk about future events that are likely to happen, or that you intend to do.

To form the futur proche, you simply take the infinitive of the verb (the ‘to’ form) and add on the ending -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez or -ont. For example:

Je mangerai une pizza ce soir. (I will eat a pizza tonight.)
Nous arriverons à l’heure. (We will arrive on time.)
Tu partiras en vacances demain. (You will leave for vacation tomorrow.)

The futur proche can also be used with conjugated verbs, in which case it functions as a near future tense. In this usage, it is equivalent to saying ‘I am going to + [verb]’ in English. For example:

Je vais manger une pizza ce soir. (I am going to eat a pizza tonight.)
Nous allons arriver à l’heure. (We are going to arrive on time.)
Tu vas partir en vacances demain. (You are leaving for vacation tomorrow.)

Examples of Using Futur Proche

There are many different ways to use the futur proche in French. Here are a few examples:

• Je vais essayer de nouvelles choses. (I'm going to try new things.)

• Nous allons sortir ce soir. (We're going out tonight.)

• Tu vas finir tes devoirs avant le dîner. (You're going to finish your homework before dinner.)

• Ils vont arriver à l'heure. (They're going to arrive on time.)

Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of the Futur Proche Tense

The futur proche tense is one of the most important verb tenses to know in French. It’s used all the time, especially in conversation, to talk about future plans and upcoming events. The good news is that it’s not difficult to conjugate verbs into the futur proche. In this quiz, we’ll test your knowledge of the futur proche tense so you can see how well you know this important verb tense.


French verb tenses can be tricky, but with a bit of practice and some helpful tips you will soon master them. With our futur proche quiz, you can now test your knowledge and brush up on the basics quickly and easily. So why not take some time to try out the quiz today? You might even surprise yourself by just how much you have learned!

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