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Top reasons why every doctor needs a financial planner

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Are you a doctor experiencing a lot of challenges in planning your financials? Read on to learn why you need professional financial advice for physicians

Financial advice for physicians is very important. Some doctors make pretty bad financial decisions that can impact their futures. Doctors often make a lot of money but very few doctors are well-versed in financial planning. Without proper financial planning, anyone can make mistakes. When you work with a professional financial planner, he or she can help you in the following ways.


  • Budgeting

Bad debt versus good debt is critical to creating wealth. The benefit of being both financial planners and accountants is that we take a holistic approach to creating your wealth. When a financial planner analyzes your accounts and overlays your financial goals, they will find ways to manage your bad and good debt better.


  • Investment planning

As a doctor, it is crucial to plan your investment. You should plan to take advantage of various investment opportunities available. Outside of buying into a practice, buying your home or buying a commercial building is the next big wealth creation opportunity you are likely to take. Investing in shares might also be on your list. Financial planners will manage your investment on your behalf and help you make more money. They will also explain how investing works and identify investment options that suit your budget. This is what everyone wants in their life – to make more wealth.


  • Organize loans or finance

A financial planner works as a broker and helps you save a lot of time. They give the right financial advice for doctors. Whether it is a mortgage for a home or a loan for starting a business, a financial planner will act as a broker. Not only can they take the stress out of finding the right loan for you, but they will use their working knowledge to secure the best terms for your cash.


  • Insurance planning

In your mind, you may be thinking that you have the right insurance and you do not need any external help. However, you might be mistaken. Strategic creation of wealth involves insurance planning. A lot of financial planners can play the role of insurance brokers. They know how crucial protecting your assets and family is to you and your loved ones. They also assess your situation and safeguard you in the event of an injury, illness, lawsuit, disability or death. A good financial planner will also evaluate the payments and policies in the context of your circumstances and business goals. Car insurance, income protection, home and content insurance, indemnity insurance and health insurance are just among the most common forms of coverage your planner can secure for you.


  • Tax planning

Irrespective of how much money you make, you can face lawsuits for evading tax even if you didn’t know about it. This is where you need professional financial advice for physicians. With the right advice, you will be able to plan everything on time.


A financial planner will save a lot of money by structuring business and personal affairs to reduce your tax liabilities. Specific areas they can target include capital gains tax, income tax, company tax, and so on.