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Travel Cheap and How (A Free EaseMyTrip coupon inside)

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We all are bitten by the travel bug. We crave to break the monotony of life and the only way it is possible is by travelling far and wide. And be it road trips or luxurious getaways, we are game! Ever wondered why?

Some say because as humans, we are always curious; some say they just like to mingle with new people. Well, to be frank, I am both – Restless (a lot) and also because I love meeting new people, embracing their cultures, gorging on local cuisines and the list is endless!

Here’s a #DidYouKnow fact –

Travel wanderlust gene DRD4-7R.png

But what if I tell you about one cashback offer where you’d save everytime you buy a flight ticket? Yes, you heard me right.

Take some time off your busy schedule and plan trips for the entire year. I’m guessing you already know that 2018 has over 16 weekends. Woohoo!

All you have to do is book your flights/ hotels/ bus tickets through https://www.easemytrip.com.
Enter coupon code WELCOME2018 irrespective whether you are booking flight tickets or hotels, or even bus for that matter.
And voila! You earn a cashback of over 15% apart from gift vouchers, a Droom activa, Jabong vouchers & may even win an overseas free trip.
*Did I mention you earn even more cashback if you book using HDFC cards?

To know more about the scheme and how much cash back can you earn from it, do visit this page 

EaseMyTrip covers it all – They not only provide you with the best deals for hotel reservations or lowest prices in travelling but also assist you on how you can go about Visas, travel guides and flight schedules.

Oh, and they do have plenty of options in cruises as well!

They have a plenty of achievements under their belt as well. Right from ‘TnH Face of the Year’ award by Travel and Hospitality magazine to ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ award by Entrepreneur India, they’ve proved their mettle.

If that wasn’t enough, let me tell you why EaseMyTrip succeeds all other options –

No convenience fees on flight tickets (Just make a rough guess as to how much would you save if you didn’t have to pay the convenience fees)
You can now chat with your aeroplane co-passengers through its app (Yes, without the internet connectivity.

I’m sure pumped up about the sale. I mean what else could have been a better way to welcome 2018?

So go, rush & grab the calendar and save the dates. Not for celebrations, silly. To travel to the unexplored terrains! This is your best bet!

Check them out here:

Website –


Apps – 
EaseMyTrip Android app
EaseMyTrip iOs app



Happy travelling! 128521;

Until then,

Lots of love,Leena S.