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What are local variables and global variables in Python?

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In Python programming, variables play a vital role in storing and manipulating data. Two essential types of variables are local variables and global variables. Understanding the distinctions between these two types is crucial for writing clean, organized, and bug-free code. In this blog post, we will delve into the concepts of local and global variables in Python, their scopes, and how they impact program execution.

Local Variables:

Local variables are declared within a specific scope, such as a function or a block of code. These variables are accessible only within the scope in which they are defined. Local variables have a limited lifespan and are destroyed once the scope in which they are defined is exited. They are typically used to store temporary or intermediate data required for a specific operation within a function or block.

def calculate_sum(a, b):
result = a + b # local variable ‘result'
return result

print(calculate_sum(5, 3)) # Output: 8
#print(result) # Raises an error, as ‘result' is a local variable outside its scope

In the above code snippet, the variable ‘result' is a local variable defined within the scope of the function ‘calculate_sum()'. It is accessible only within that function and cannot be accessed outside.

Global Variables:

Global variables are defined outside any function or block and have a global scope. They are accessible from any part of the program, including inside functions. Global variables persist throughout the execution of the program, and their values can be modified or accessed from multiple functions or blocks. However, it is generally considered good practice to limit the use of global variables to prevent potential issues like name clashes and unintended side effects.

PI = 3.14159 # global variable

def calculate_area(radius):
area = PI * radius**2 # accessing the global variable ‘PI'
return area

print(calculate_area(5)) # Output: 78.53975

In the above code, the variable ‘PI' is a global variable accessible within the function ‘calculate_area()'. It is defined outside the function and can be accessed and used in multiple parts of the program.


Modifying Global Variables within Functions:

While global variables can be accessed within functions, modifying them directly from within functions requires an additional step. By default, Python assumes any variable assigned a value within a function is a local variable. To modify a global variable within a function, you must use the global keyword to explicitly indicate that the variable is global.

For example:

count = 0 # global variable

def increment():
global count # declaring ‘count' as a global variable
count += 1

print(count) # Output: 0
print(count) # Output: 1

In the above code, the global keyword is used inside the function ‘increment()' to inform Python that the variable ‘count' refers to the global variable defined outside the function. Without the global keyword, the function would create a new local variable named ‘count' instead of modifying the global variable.


Local and global variables are fundamental concepts in Python programming that influence the scope and accessibility of variables within a program. Understanding the distinctions between these two types is crucial for writing clean, organized, and bug-free code.

By grasping the concept of local variables, which are limited to a specific scope and have a temporary lifespan, you can effectively manage data within functions or blocks. On the other hand, global variables offer the advantage of accessibility from any part of the program, but their usage should be carefully considered to avoid potential issues.

To further enhance your Python coding experience, you can leverage python compiler online. These tools provide an interactive platform where you can write, execute, and test Python code directly in the browser, without the need for local installations. Online Python compilers like Replit, Python Anywhere, and IDEOne offer convenient platforms to practice coding, experiment with variable scopes, and verify your code's behavior.

By combining your understanding of local and global variables with the convenience of online python compiler, you can accelerate your learning process, prototype ideas quickly, and gain confidence in your coding abilities.

In conclusion, understanding the nuances of local and global variables empowers you to write well-organized and efficient Python code. Utilizing the capabilities of python editor online further enhances your coding journey by providing a convenient and accessible platform for experimentation and learning. Embrace the power of local and global variables, and leverage python editor online to unlock your full potential as a Python programmer.